
A new Phantasy Star image added to the site three days a week!


Postby Thoul » Wed May 14, '08, 8:14 am

This is another vision shown to Chaz as he learns the history of Algo from Elsydeon. He sees the three planets and star of the Algo system, as they existed in the time of Alis. Unlike the other visions, this one is in color rather than shades of gray. Should this be considered an "error"?

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Postby Snorb » Wed May 14, '08, 12:30 pm

(The sun rises over Palma)

Le Roof: This is the story of the Player's Guide to Algo, perhaps the most remarkable, certainly the most successful book ever to come out of the great publishing corporations of Alpha Centauri. More popular than the Suelo's Home Care Omnibus, better selling than 53 More Things to Do with NPCs, and more controversial than the trilogy of philosophical blockbusters, Robot Finds Kitten, Kitten Finds Robot, and Why the Hell Must Robot Find Kitten? And in many of the more relaxed civilizations on the outer eastern rim of Algo, the Player's Guide has already supplanted the Encyclopedia Segapedica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom. Although it has many omissions, contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important aspects: First, it is free on the internet, and second, it has drawings of Amy, Shir, Anna, and Nei in lingerie on the inside front covers.

Le Roof: To tell the story of the book, it is best to tell the story of some of those whose lives it affected. A human from the planet Palma was one of them, though as our story opens, he no more knows his destiny than a silicon chip knows the history of Nintendo. His name is Nero Landale. He is a six-foot tall ape descendant, and some robotcops are about to tear out his isles of Langerhans and force-feed them back into his mouth.

Robotcops: (march up to house)
Nero: D= (runs outside)
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Postby newsblade » Wed May 14, '08, 12:41 pm

Since that's the same vision LeRoof gave to Chaz some hours before it was already in his memory. This can exclude that scene as (new) a vision now but what I want to mean is that scientists suggests that we can't see colors while dreaming. We can only tell what colors were (or we think we saw) by association, which happens if we already know the image.

Also they wanted to place the number 3 in evidence (3 planets, 3 heroines) or something like that, so SEGA made a transparency background enabling us to see Algol as their background. If Algol was also in blue maybe it would be too much confusion. Of course the main reason was for SEGA team avoids the work of creating another image that it would waste space.
A similar problem occurs in Rolf's vision: also has the white color on the background (and the visions never show 100% white color like that one - even the whitest is slightly blue)

An interesting thing is that, in this final vision, the 3 heroines seams to be interacting with Chaz. (Even Alis is just like her talking (ghost) image in Esper cave)

Edit: Yes... the last vision is particularly different from the previous in many ways. Another explanation is that maybe it was Algol (the sun) that gave color to that image because it is much stronger than the "shining of Elsydeon" (the blue light). After all it's the light that gives color to everything: «Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light energy versus wavelength) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.»
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun May 18, '08, 3:28 am

Interesting Image, if you ask me. :wink:

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Re: Algo

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 26, '17, 12:33 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

The Planet Algo, in color no less!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Algo

Postby Snorb » Fri May 26, '17, 6:33 am

I can't believe I ripped off The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy... nine years ago!? Where did the time *go?!*
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Re: Algo

Postby myau56 » Fri May 26, '17, 12:35 pm

This picture of the Algo System is great, and in color ! :)
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Re: Algo

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Nov 23, '22, 2:36 pm

Chaz sees Algo!

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Algo

Postby myau56 » Fri Nov 25, '22, 6:44 pm

And Algo did see Chaz too ! :)
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