Fox News at 13

There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.

Who is your favorite Fox News Anchor or Personality?

Bill O'Reilly (The O'Reilly Factor)
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Sean Hannity (Hannity)
Greta Van Sustern (On The Record)
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Glenn Beck (Glenn Beck Show)
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Bill Hemmer (America's Newsroom)
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Megyn Kelly (America's Newsroom)
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Jon Scott (Happening Now)
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Sheppard Smith (The Fox Report)
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Geraldo Rivera (Geraldo Show)
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Mike Huckabee (Huckabee Show)
Other - explain in post below
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Total votes : 3

Fox News at 13

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 7, '09, 8:57 pm

The Fox News Channel, etc., are celebrating 13 years on the air today. Congratulations and Happy 13th Birthday to them all. :cake:

Whether you like or watch Fox News, they have become and important part of the News Media over the years and consistently have higher ratings than many other news channels.

I watch Fox news rather frequently. Anyone else here a Fox fan? If so, who is your favorite Fox News anchor person or other personality?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Fox News at 13

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Oct 7, '09, 9:27 pm

Not a FOX News fan. I fact, I rather dislike Fox News and most of their anchors. Most of them disgust me on multiple levels.

I don't much on ratings, but I know this...MSNBC definitely draws the most in terms of younger viewers, and when it comes to cable news, I turn to MSNBC. Granted, we don't have cable in the apartment as we wouldn't watch it enough to justify the cost, but I subscribe to Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow for their podcasts on iTunes.
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Re: Fox News at 13

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 7, '09, 10:02 pm


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
~ Founded April 01, 1997 ~


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Re: Fox News at 13

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Oct 7, '09, 10:24 pm

Holy crap, the comments on some of those sites from BOTH sides. :knockout: Sure makes me glad I still get the vast majority of my news from non-cable network sources. And even though I like Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, I disagree with them as much as I agree with them. But I'd never even consider listening ONLY to them for news and in a way, never consider cable news in general as the only source of news to pay attention to anymore. But people will watch they watch and as long as it makes you happy...well, go for it. But man, it's sure getting harder to find real objective news out there anymore.

Thanks for those anyway, Silver. A nice bit of education. :yes: But I'd really like to see those full viewer numbers divided up demographically in some way, such as by age.
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Re: Fox News at 13

Postby Thoul » Wed Oct 7, '09, 10:33 pm

I don't watch the news much, but Fox tends to be what others in the family watch so I catch a bit of it every now and then.

I suppose if I had to pick one person from that list, it would be Huckabee. I haven't really seen much of his Fox show though, just five minutes here or there when there's been a musical guest on. Most of the others I can't stand, don't know by name, or just have no interest in watching.
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