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Postby Thoul » Wed Jan 30, '08, 8:09 am

In the engine room of the Nurvus shuttle, a saboteur is hard at work. He is trying to prevent the heroes from reaching Kuran and discovering his wicked master. When the crew detects problems with the engine and investigates, he is caught in the act and attacks them directly.

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Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Jan 30, '08, 5:39 pm

When I look at that picture, all I see is an old man telling an adventurous tale to a bunch of young people.

Saboteur: And then I tried to prevent the heroes from reaching Kuran...

Rika: Hey Chaz, this story is pretty good.

Chaz: I know! I feel like I was actually there.
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Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 1, '08, 3:20 am

:lol: If you didn't know the context, this could come across in a lot of different ways, couldn't it?
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Postby SparkyIII » Tue Feb 5, '08, 11:20 pm

He really doesn't look like he's trying to saboutague. More like he's telling them about some ancient past. lol
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Re: Saboteur

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 17, '16, 12:16 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Interesting looking fellow, isn't he?

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Re: Saboteur

Postby Snorb » Thu Nov 17, '16, 5:47 am

Saboteur: (singing) I can't stand it, I know you planned it, I'm gonna set straight this Watergate~
Chaz: Say what???
Saboteur: (singing, ignoring Chaz) Oh my God, it's a mirage, listen all y'all, it's a sabotage~
Rika: I think this guy's wrecking our engines! >_<
Saboteur: (turns around, still singing) WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Rune: You tell me! Look at you, your hand's on the Fixed/Broken switch!
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Re: Saboteur

Postby myau56 » Thu Nov 17, '16, 11:45 am

Nice ennemy ! :)
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Re: Saboteur

Postby Scootaloo » Fri Apr 7, '17, 10:06 pm

I've never understood what he's physically suppose to be...

Underneath his robes, is he actually a robot like how he appears? Or is he a human wearing robot armour...?
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Re: Saboteur

Postby myau56 » Sun Apr 9, '17, 12:43 pm

What was saying Atlinsmere and SparkyIII is so true ! He seems to be some sort of "storyteller" ! I've never really see that before but now it's evident ! :lol:
And about his/her/its physical appearance .. I don't know ! :) For me, seems to be like the enemies in PSII (Mystcape, Illusionist and Imagiomage) and PSIV (Chaos Sorcerer, Illusionist and Imagiomage). So I think it's surely one of the three from PSIV ?
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Re: Saboteur

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Apr 9, '17, 5:54 pm

Hard to tell what he looks like with all those robes and other stuff.

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