
Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Postby Atolm » Wed Aug 15, '07, 11:05 pm

I am pretty fond of grapples, it is a apple that tastes like a grape! Very tasty.

I want to try this Strawmato... 0.0
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Sep 7, '07, 5:34 pm

Has everyone heard of the new possible dangers with microwave popcorn? The makers of some brands of popcorn, including Orville Redenbackher and others, are making changes to their popcorn because of some possible dangers that might occur, I think it was.

I hope they get this fixed - I love popcorn! :yes:

Speaking of popcorn - how do you like your popcorn? No Butter - Lightly Buttered - Extra Butter - or what? Also, No salt - Lightly salted - Extra salt - or what?

Microwave popcorn is good, and fast, but does anyone enjoy popping the corn other ways so you can see it while it is actually popping. That's half the fun. :hyper:
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Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 7, '07, 8:47 pm

That news about microwave popcorn was terrible. I feel sorry for all the people that work in those factories and have contracted this "popcorn lung" disease from that. I used to like taking in the odor of freshly microwaved popcorn, but I will certainly not be doing that any more if it can cause such a problem. :cry:

I haven't popped corn the old way in ages, but I used to enjoy that a lot. I like lots of butter and a little salt. I may have to try to get a new popper machine soon. Now I'm wanting some popcorn. :D
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 8, '07, 2:49 am

Yeah, watching all this on the news about popcorn has almost given me the hungries for some of it too. :D

I like my popcorn with very little butter, or none at all, and very, very little salt. I used to eat a lot of popcorn because it seemed to fill you up, had few calories (if you watch the butter and salt) and it was easy to make. I really love movie theatre popcorn if it's still hot too.

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Postby Tsunami » Sat Sep 8, '07, 7:03 am

I used to like popcorn...but for some odd reason when I eat it now, I end up gagging. Very unpleasant! :(

Secret Surfer wrote:I don't remember where the location was but somewhere a lady has grown in her garden what they call a "strawmato", I believe they called it. It looks on the outside like a tomato but on the inside it looks like a strawberry. Now, that's weird. It was a good size like a big tomato and red also. It would be interesting to hear how she came up with that one. I wonder how it tastes also. :idea:

I just had to reply to this. :D I think that was done with cross-pollination.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 10, '07, 6:14 pm

Just wondering how high, or low, some food prices are in different areas of the country, etc., and where you live?

How much do you pay for the following items:

A Gallon of Milk ?

A Loaf Of Bread ?

A pound of Bananas?

A box of Cereal ?

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Postby Thoul » Tue Sep 11, '07, 7:43 pm

Eh, I have no idea. Milk is like $2 or $3 something, I think. Bread is probably somewhere between $1 and $2. I don't really pay too much attention to it.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Wed Sep 12, '07, 1:15 am

Yeah, I don't either; if I need them I buy them, with no regard to the cost fluctuations.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 18, '07, 5:54 pm

Just wondering if anyone has any food "tips" or notes on healthy eating, etc. to share with us here.

We all know that " an apple a day keeps the doctor away " supposedly. :wink:

Here's a few things I have recently read or heard regarding some foods.

(1) Cucumbers are supposed to be good for fluid retention. Anyone know anything about this? I haven't tried it but think I will.

(2)The Sunday doc on Fox News talked a bit about Walnuts this past Sunday and about how they are nature's "perfect" foods. They are rich in a lot of things that are good for you. I can't remember all the list he said. However, they are also supposed to help you sleep better at night as they have some ingredient in them that helps with this. I haven't tried this either but think I will soon.

Anyone else have any food "tips" to share?

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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 18, '07, 7:54 pm

I remember hearing that carrots are good for your eyesight. And citrus is supposed to have lots of vitamins, so I try to drink orange juice or citrus drinks (usually Sunny Delight) when I can.
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