Food Prices

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Food Prices

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 2, '08, 6:53 pm

I found an interesting article on the rising cost of food prices and how it may affect our eating habits - whether we eat out, or eat at home more, and stuff like that.

So, have your eating habits changed any because of the increasing costs of food, gas, etc.?

Do you eat out as often, or eat at home more?

Do you watch what you buy at the grocery store and compare prices?

Do you use coupons?

Do you buy food in large quantities and freeze some of it or put it in storage for later use?

And, do you think food prices and gas prices (which also have an effect as we have to drive to go get the food) are going to decrease or keep on increasing as time goes on?

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Postby Thoul » Thu Apr 3, '08, 12:16 am

I can't see prices on any of this stuff decreasing any time soon. Maybe gas, if alternative fuel sources are made more available. I'm not holding my breath on that one. I don't really worry about food prices much, but we do eat out less and try to buy lower priced alternatives to some things.
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Postby SparkyIII » Fri Apr 4, '08, 12:12 am

Prices don't affect us too much. My family has been good with handling money so we have little money problems at all. Even with our huge house, multiple cars*can't even drive and theres one waiting for me*, large family, and general waste of electricity. XDDDD
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 7, '08, 8:43 pm

Well, the price of milk is over $5.00 bucks a gallon here where we live. Gas prices are affecting food prices, and everything else, I think. I only wish salaries went up as much and as often as the price of food, gas, and stuff like that.

We try to find a few coupons, but rarely use them as it's just too much of a pain to find, sort, and then carry them to the store with you. Also, sometimes the people at the store don't know that much about coupons and won't charge them off right anyway. So, it's just a big hassle sometimes, and not worth fooling with.

We do eat out a little less often, but we still do eat out every now and then. You need a little change after eating home cooked meals for a long time. :wink: :burp: :burp: :burp:

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Postby Lemina » Mon Apr 7, '08, 10:50 pm

The main change in food pricing that I've really noticed is the increased cost of dairy and meat. So no, I guess I haven't really changed my eating habits. Especially since I don't have a kitchen in the dorms, I sometimes have no choice but to eat out. At home though, my family isn't too huge on eating out but we still do every now and again. 8)


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