Gold Grill

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Gold Grill

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 2, '11, 1:49 am

Now that it's almost summertime here in the USA, lots of people will be having cookouts on the grill, etc. If your grill is old and needs to be replaced, you can get a really nice gold-plated grill for only about $164,000.00. ... e-bankrate

Nice grill, but very expensive. :yikes:

I would think this would be used more for a show piece than for actual grilling, but who knows. :yaknow:

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Re: Gold Grill

Postby Thoul » Thu Jun 2, '11, 6:09 am

That's clearly for nothing but bragging rights. I'll be surprised if any of them actually sell, though. It just seems to me that if someone has that much money to blow, they aren't likely to be grilling hamburgers.
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