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 Post subject: First day of Winter
PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, '07, 10:11 pm 
Well, today is officially the last day of the Fall season, and tomorrow (Saturday-Dec. 22) is the official First Day Of Winter!

It's been more like summer during the Fall season this year than anything. I'm not too fond of Winter, although it might be nice to have a white Christmas for once.

Just think 3 more months to Spring! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :clap:

Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Sat Dec 20, '08, 4:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, '07, 1:22 pm 
I don't get this... I'd think Winter would start earlier in December. I always think of Winter when I think of December, so it's weird to realize most of the month is actually Fall.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, '07, 7:08 pm 
And March is still winter, I usually think of spring by then.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, '07, 10:08 am 
Even though it may be winter, the snow still keeps melting. At least we had a white Christmas, yeah? :relieved:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, '07, 4:05 am 
We've still not gotten any snow here. I was really hoping for a white Christmas, but it just wasn't in the cards here. I really think the first days of winter and spring should be moved to the start of December and March respectively. I usually think of the entire month as winter or spring, so it feels weird when I realize that more of the month is part of another season.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, '08, 4:37 pm 
Time to bump this thread up again for another year. The first day of winter for this year 2008 is tomorrow, Sunday, December 21.

Happy Winter everyone! :snowman:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, '08, 5:43 pm 
Sounds like it's going to be a white Christmas here this year, but maybe not. We got a nice winter storm yesterday, which made coming home a pain. I had to hitch a ride with a friend who lives where I do because there was so much uncertainty about when my brother would get in because one of his flights got canceled due to weather. Fortunately, he should be home today. They're calling for another shot of snow tomorrow (how fitting) and Monday, but it might warm up on Tuesday, but whether or not it'll get above freezing is up for question.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, '08, 6:22 pm 
I don't think we're going to have a white one here, but it's hard to say. The weather has been crazy, jumping between the 40s (or lower) and 70s. A wet Christmas is more likely... we're getting plenty of precipitation, it's just not cold enough to snow when that comes.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, '08, 9:28 pm 
I think we're going to have a mild Christmas. Temps may be in the 50's or 60's. No rain or snow, as of right now, I think.

One thing I like about it being the first day of winter, though, is that this day is the shortest day of the year, and after this day, the days begin getting longer each day. Now, that I can handle.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, '08, 5:30 pm 
Its so cold here, its way colder then it was last year.

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