First day of Winter

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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 21, '10, 6:03 pm

Bumping this up for 2010.

Today, Dec. 21, is the first day of winter.

It's been so cold here already this year that it seems like winter arrived very early or something. Brrr!!!! And we may be looking at some snow on Christmas Day this year!!! We'll see how it goes.

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Re: First day of Winter

Postby xellos667 » Tue Dec 21, '10, 6:28 pm

bleh...winter. Wake me up when there's no more snow outside. Last week was really atrocious. Snow, rain, snow, rain. In the end what it gives is ultra slippery road even with good winter tires, and tons of accident. Winter always seems great for those not living in a country with bad and cold weather (or maybe for those who likes winter sports...unfortunately I am not). But when you are the one shoving all the snow, driving in bad weather, enduring the cold outside, well winter is not as magic as it should be....
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 21, '10, 6:34 pm

I absolutely agree with you xellos. I am not a fan of cold weather and usually bid my time counting the days until Spring and warmer weather. The snow is beautiful to see but that's about it as far as winter goes imho.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby xellos667 » Tue Dec 21, '10, 6:49 pm

Glad to see someone is on the same side as me when it comes to Winter appreciation :) If I could flee to warmer place during winter, I would. Unfortunately I can't...though, from what I see in the news these days, it seems that many place not used to receives a lot of snow were hit pretty bad in the past week. It really shows that the Earth is going totally crazy
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 22, '10, 12:24 am

It's been fairly dry here this winter, but we've gotten a few light frostings of snow already, too. The forecast is calling for more this weekend, as well. I like looking at it, but not going out into it. I really think the first day of winter should be moved back a few weeks.
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 21, '11, 10:04 pm

Bumping this up for 2011.

Today, Wednesday, Dec. 21st is the first day of Winter, otherwise known as the Winter Solstice. As of today, the days begin to get a little longer each day, even though the coldest months of winter are still yet to come. ... 40810.html

Happy Winter !! :snowman:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Dec 26, '12, 5:54 pm

And, I think I forgot to mention it the other day but Dec. 21, 2012 was the official first day of winter. It was also the shortest day of the year if I remember correctly and now the days will begin getting a bit longer each day.

And to celebrate, it is officially COLD here once again! We have some snow in our forecast but will have to wait and see if it amounts to anything or not.

Happy winter all! :snowman:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby myau56 » Wed Dec 26, '12, 10:43 pm

Happy Winter to all ! Here in the west part of France, the end of Fall season and the beginning of water is under the sign of WARM ! 13 degrees Celsius (sorry I don't know the equivalent in Fahrenheit :( ) that's very warm for this period of time ;)
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Dec 22, '13, 1:58 am

First day of winter on today Saturday, December 21, 2013. It was a great day today as some of our family members got together and celebrated an early Christmas Dinner. We had family, food, and played some card games....a terrific day!! Hope everyone else enjoyed your first day of the winter season here in the US and surrounding areas.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: First day of Winter

Postby myau56 » Sun Dec 22, '13, 11:12 am

Happy Winter to all ! Here in the west part of France, the end of Fall season and the beginning of winter is under the sign of WARM ! 13 degrees Celsius !! That's very warm for this period of time ;)

But you're going to tell me that this is the same text as last year ?? But NO ! Because I've corrected some little mistakes (shame on me before...) and it's quasi the same temperature but I've converted it this time ! :
55 degrees Fahrenheit ! :D So it's really very warm :)
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