Why do you stop?

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Why do you stop?

Postby Thoul » Fri Aug 14, '09, 7:57 pm

When you're playing a video game, why do you usually stop playing? Do you have a time limit you impose on yourself, quit when you reach a frustrating part, or some other reason? Most of us have probably played a game that forced us to redo a tedious section after getting a "Game Over" screen due to one single mistake. When you encounter one of those, does that drive you away from the game or make you more determined to complete it?
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Celeith » Sat Aug 15, '09, 8:40 pm

When I was younger I use to keep on going when I would get a game over. For example, when I was a kid and Chrono Trigger first came out I kept getting swamped by Magus, even though now he takes no time at all to kill. I would just keep going, but after say 30 game overs I would just get frustrated and play something else.

Now since I'm older I don't have alot of free time to play games and stuff so whenever I play if I have to stop for awhile its usually due to time constraints.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Aug 15, '09, 9:37 pm

Hmmm, I guess most times I usually stop due to time also. I have something else to do or somewhere else that I have to go. Maybe sometimes I might stop because I get frustrated with the game, but I usually don't let that stop me much and keep going if I can, or try to find another solution to the problem at hand.

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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Lucas » Sun Aug 16, '09, 5:23 am

I'll usually only stop if I get really frustrated usually I can handle a fair few Game Overs before I give in otherwise its all based around time.

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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Aug 16, '09, 3:11 pm

Sometimes it's time. Sometimes I play something and find I'm not in the mood for that particular game. Sometimes I'll keep getting to a point I can't get past and I'll quit. Then next time I pick up the game I get past it.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Ashes226 » Thu Oct 15, '09, 5:10 pm

Well what got me off Oblivion was it froze. I guess you could say I stop when the game messes up on me.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 15, '09, 9:35 pm

Yeah, lock ups can be annoying. I was playing a Gamecube game once, last year I think. After I defeated the second level boss, the game glitched and trapped me inside the boss room with no way to get out. It was supposed to transition automatically, but just left me standing there. I haven't played that one since.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Wolf Bird » Thu Oct 15, '09, 10:25 pm

A lock-up is one big reason that I gave up on Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night. Besides the cheap enemies and unforgiving, sparsely spread checkpoints, it froze a lot. I spent a HUGE amount of time going through a level I really did not like. I beat the boss...got a cutscene...and the game froze on the loading screen after the cutscene. :evil: when I reloaded...as was back at the very beginning of that level I friggin' despised. I quit after that and I never played the game again. I turned it in a couple days later as after THAT, I knew I wouldn't be able to get back into it. I had enough.

Though I do think at the time, another reason I lost my patience is because I got Okami at about the same time, and that blew me out of the water.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby Darkil » Sat Oct 17, '09, 1:47 pm

I have a myriad of reasons why I'd stop playing something. One of the biggest reasons why I stopped playing a slew of games last console generation was because I had all 3 consoles [GC, Xbox, PS2]. Everytime I'd get into a game on one, a new game would come out on the other system so I'd stop and get that one, then the process would start anew. I've only stuck with one this generation and I stop mainly because of time or because my mood would change on what to play.
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Re: Why do you stop?

Postby PathfinderCS » Sun Oct 25, '09, 6:17 am

I stop for various reason, some of which have been mentioned. I reach a certain point, my parents need assistance, I lose the mood, etc. It's usually one reason or another.
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