Ferris Wheel Restaurant

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Ferris Wheel Restaurant

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jul 28, '10, 2:15 am

Here's a unique idea.....a restaurant on a ferris wheel ride.


It will be interesting to see how this idea does.

I don't know about anyone else, but eating anything is the very last thing I would want to do while riding on a ferris wheel. And, being on a ferris wheel underneath anyone else who is eating anything doesn't sound to great either. :yaknow:

But, I can see how some would be totally intrigued with the idea. :p

It sounds a bit pricey at $75, but maybe the experience is worth it. :eyebrow: :yaknow:

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Re: Ferris Wheel Restaurant

Postby Thoul » Wed Jul 28, '10, 8:43 pm

It might be an interesting experience, but I wouldn't be too comfortable being stuck at the top for 45 minutes. That could be a problem, particularly if one eats a lot during the meal.

The seats seem to be covered though, so there shouldn't be any problems with stuff dropping down from people in higher seats.
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