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Postby Tsunami » Mon Oct 1, '07, 2:04 am

Secret_Surfer wrote:And, I saw another new TV show preview this morning that begins this next week, I think, and that is the new "Caveman" show, taken from the caveman guys in the Geiko commercial. I don't think I'll watch that show. It might be a funny or good show, but I just can't stand those commercials. :darkside:

You don't like those commercials?? :o I think they're hilarious! I know I'll definitely check out that show when it's on. :yes:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Oct 2, '07, 4:37 am

Tsunami wrote:You don't like those commercials??

No, I just don't get it, I guess. I think they are an insult to cavemen/women every where. I can't speak for the show itself because I haven't seen it yet. It might be funny and interesting, but so far I'm just not interested.

One note about the cavemen, though. Two of them were in the "Dancing With The Stars" audience tonight. They were all dressed up in black suits and ties with their "caveman face" on. Now, that was kinda funny. :lol:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 3, '07, 5:21 pm

Last night on the "DWTS" results show, the model guy named Albert (i forget his last name) was the one to leave. It came down to him and Wayne Newton and he lost. I guess Wayne had a lot of fans that voted for him cause his dancing just hasn't been up to par yet, in my opinion, but he is a 60 something year old guy, so he's doing pretty good so far. I just hope he gets better next week.

One sad note about "DWTS" and actress Jane Seymour, as she wasn't there at the results show last night because her mom had passed away and Jane had left to go back home. Condolences to her on the loss of her Mom. Jane and her dancing partner did make it through last night's results show to be able to appear in next week's show, though. :clap:

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Postby Tsunami » Thu Oct 4, '07, 4:47 am

Secret_Surfer wrote:
Tsunami wrote:You don't like those commercials??

No, I just don't get it, I guess. I think they are an insult to cavemen/women every where. I can't speak for the show itself because I haven't seen it yet. It might be funny and interesting, but so far I'm just not interested.

I watched that show, and I have to say, I was disappointed. Sure, some parts were good, but I didn't care for most of it. Thumbs down for me. :down:

I'll see the next episode whenever it's on and hope that it gets better. If not, then I have better ways to spend my time. :D
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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 4, '07, 6:06 am

I'm skipping the caveman thing. A TV show based on a commercial just seems like a half hour long commercial to me. I never found the caveman commercials all that entertaining anyway. There's a few that were good, but overall I thought it just was overdone.

I watched the second episodes of Journeyman and Bionic Woman this week. Bionic Woman still wasn't all that great, so I don't think I'll continue with that one. Journeyman was pretty good, though a bit weird. It's interesting how they display the fairly recent past in contrast with the modern day. It's kind of disturbing when I realize how much things have changed from 20, or even 10, years ago.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 4, '07, 7:07 pm

Thoul wrote:It's kind of disturbing when I realize how much things have changed from 20, or even 10, years ago.

I know what you mean. It's down right scary sometimes, and then in some ways, it makes you wonder back to what all changes, etc., our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents lived through too. I read a statement somewhere that said "Life is change.". That seems to be truer each day. :innocent:

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Postby Rudo » Fri Oct 5, '07, 4:57 am

I don't watch much tv. Nothing holds my interest. I do like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" I learn a lot from that show. :lol:
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Postby Yoshi » Fri Oct 5, '07, 10:14 pm

American Idol is a cool show. I usually watch that if I'm not busy. :note:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 10, '07, 9:31 pm

Well, on "Dancing With The Stars" results show last night, entertainer Wayne Newton bit the dust and was eliminated from the competition. Sad to see him go, but I agree that he wasn't dancing as well as the other couples absolutely were doing. Can't wait to see how next weeks competition goes. :hyper:

I always get hooked watching "Boston Legal" after "DWTS" goes off and I must say that it is a pretty good show too. William Shatner is funny, but I like hearing these legal issues discussed too. Great show, and very deserving of all their Emmy wins. Actor James Spader just recently won an Emmy for this show too. :clap:

The "DWTS" losers are always on abc's "Jimmy Kimmel show" later that night. I hardly ever watch this show. Anyone else here watch it?

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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 11, '07, 9:31 am

I watched Boston Legal a few times. It's pretty good, though a bit crazy at times. I don't think I've caught any of the new season.

I'm not much of one for the late night talk shows. Sometimes I might catch a bit of Letterman or Leno, but I don't give the others the time of day.
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