Favorite TV shows

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Postby Thoul » Wed Sep 26, '07, 2:15 am

I'm not watching that show (dancing's not my thing, though I'm sure I'll see bits and pieces of it, as I usually do). I am looking forward to checking out another new show, called "Journeyman." I've seen the pilot, which was pretty good except for a couple of parts. It seems to be something kind of like Quantum Leap, with a guy who travels back in time to change the past for the better. So far, it seems more realistic and less sci-if than Quantum Leap, with the guy jumping between the present and the past. :hmm:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Sep 26, '07, 6:02 pm

Ha, so you're not watching "DWTS", huh, Thoul! Well, I can understand that, I suppose. :balletdancer: To each his own. :wink:

I think I saw an advertisement for the program you mentioned "The Journeyman". That's all I've heard though. Let us know if you watch it and think it is any good.

I've also heard something about a new "Bionic Woman" show new this season. I think I would like to see that one, atleast to see how it compares to the older classic show with the same title which starred actress Lindsay Wagner. As usual, I really haven't seen previews of all that many shows that I would like to see in the fall shows this year. :bored: :sigh:

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Postby Atolm » Thu Sep 27, '07, 12:48 am

Any TV that I do watch I end up getting the DVD for it, as I do not really watch TV. XD I rather be doing other things and watch it on my own time.

Currently I am enjoying the second season to HBO'S Rome. I am a fan of Roman history anyways and I am really enjoying the show.

I plan on tackling Dr. Who next. =)
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Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 27, '07, 1:22 am

I think I saw an advertisement for the program you mentioned "The Journeyman". That's all I've heard though. Let us know if you watch it and think it is any good.

I've also heard something about a new "Bionic Woman" show new this season.

I've seen the pilot for both of these already. On Demand is a pretty neat thing sometimes. Anyway, Journeyman was pretty good, but it had a few parts I could have done without. It set up some interesting mysteries and had a good approach to the time travel aspect.

Bionic Woman was so-so. Not great, but not terrible either. It was a little too fast paced. In the first episode they've got both an origin and throwing in the arch-rival. The rest of the series may be better, but the pilot didn't really hook me in.

I plan on tackling Dr. Who next. =)

Is that the latest series? I've seen a few episodes of it on Sci-Fi. It's pretty good, though there are some episodes that are a bit too far out for my tastes.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 27, '07, 3:23 am

I just watched the premier of "The Bionic Woman". It was okay, but I don't think I'll spend my valuable time watching this show every week. Absolutely nothing like the older classic and original version of this show - and that stinks most! :down:

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Sep 28, '07, 4:38 am

Found an interesting bit of news. Looks like they are bringing back "Knight Rider". I'm not sure how this may do, but I think it has a pretty good chance of survival. It might be interesting to see an updated " Kitt ". :darkside: Of course, it would never be the same without David Hasselhoff around. :worried: If they can't get him to play the role of Michael Knight this go round, then maybe he could play the foundation guy role. :starry-eyed: What do you think?


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Postby Thoul » Fri Sep 28, '07, 2:47 pm

Hm, could be interesting. I guess it is about time for them to try another Knight Rider revival. This will be what, the third one? If it looks good, I might watch it when it comes on.

I kind of liked the movie where they upgraded Kitt to the red car. It's a shame they didn't continue that. As for Hasselhoff... well, they might get him to appear in a cameo or something, you never know.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Sep 28, '07, 7:20 pm

Another one of my favorite shows has their season premiere tonight, I believe. It's "Ghost Whisperer" on NBC at 8 oclock.

It's about a lady that sees and talks to dead people. :yikes: She has to help them with whatever is holding them here in this world so they can then go on "into the light", etc. It's kind of scary in a way, but always interesting too.

At the end of last season, she found out she had a brother (played by a former GH soap star), and we caught a glimpse of her father too, I think. He's a mystery too. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if her father turns out to be "Satan", or something weird like that. She also has a husband, and a professor friend who help her out, and a lady friend/co-worker (played by actress Camryn Manihim (sp?), formerly of The Practice).

Anyone else hooked on this show? :)

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Postby Thoul » Sat Sep 29, '07, 12:34 pm

I haven't seen that one. I think it airs at the same time as other shows I usually try to watch (but a lot of times, I forget and miss them anyway).

I never liked shows or movies that used the premise of a character being "Satan" or an incarnation of the devil. It just creeps me out for some reason. :skull: :shiftyeyes: :tombstone:

And speaking of creeping me out, when I read that part of your post, an episode of the old Twilight Zone show came on. The story of the episode? Random dude releases Satan from a prison cell and causes world war, plague, etc. :yikes:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Sep 30, '07, 5:54 pm

Thoul wrote:I never liked shows or movies that used the premise of a character being "Satan" or an incarnation of the devil. It just creeps me out for some reason. :skull: :shiftyeyes: :tombstone:

And speaking of creeping me out, when I read that part of your post, an episode of the old Twilight Zone show came on. The story of the episode? Random dude releases Satan from a prison cell and causes world war, plague, etc. :yikes:

I can understand what you're saying about "Satan" characters, Thoul. I'm not really sure if that is what is happening in "Ghost Whisperer", although it is something spooky, I have no doubt.

That sounds like a scary Twilight Zone. So, we have "random dude" to blame for all this mess going on everywhere in the world today, hmmm! :wink:

And, I saw another new TV show preview this morning that begins this next week, I think, and that is the new "Caveman" show, taken from the caveman guys in the Geiko commercial. I don't think I'll watch that show. It might be a funny or good show, but I just can't stand those commercials. :darkside:

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