Favorite TV Quotes

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Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 12, '09, 10:27 pm

Do you have any favorite TV quotes or phrases?

Here are ten of them rated as top favorites by some:


Do you agree, or disagree with these, and do you have any other favorite tv quotes or phrases?

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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Thoul » Wed May 13, '09, 12:04 am

It was okay once they got to the end. The last four picks are pretty good. The ones before that aren't what I'd really consider catch phrases, much less top ones.
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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 14, '09, 4:21 am

I am flabberghasted that " Beam Me Up, Scotty " was NOT on that list. I mean, I think that is one of, if not the most important phrases or quotes of all time. :yaknow:

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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Darkil » Thu May 14, '09, 1:45 pm

Well I too am surprised that "Beam me up Scotty" wasn't on the list. Then again most people nowadays haven't watched the original Star Trek series and if they tried, they would probably think it antiquated
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Thoul » Thu May 14, '09, 3:45 pm

Thing about "Beam me up, Scotty" is that it was never actually said in Star Trek. Everyone knows the phrase, but it was made up by fans.
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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 14, '09, 8:13 pm

Thoul wrote:Thing about "Beam me up, Scotty" is that it was never actually said in Star Trek. Everyone knows the phrase, but it was made up by fans.

Say What?????????????? Are you absolutely sure about this?????????? :o :o :o :yikes:

In that case, what did Kirk say to Scotty when he wanted back on the ship from somewhere?????? I know they used the word "transport" a lot, but I could have sworn Kirk or someone said "Beam Me Up Scotty" at some point and time!!!!!!!

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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Thoul » Thu May 14, '09, 9:37 pm

There were some variations that were used, like "Scotty, beam me up" (which was in one of the movies, IIRC), "Scotty, beam up up" and "Beam us up, Scotty." But "Beam me up, Scotty" was never spoken in any of the shows or movies.

It's weird, but a lot of famous quotes aren't really quotes at all. Like "Just the facts, ma'am," "Luke, I am your father," or "It's elementary, my dear Watson." Not a one of those was actually used in the source material that is commonly attributed as being the origin.
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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 15, '09, 3:23 am

Well, you could be right on that. I'll have to do some searching on that and see what I can find out. That's really weird though.

I don't know where the phrase "Just the facts, maam" came from but that sounds an awful lot like something usually heard on the old "Dragnet" tv show.

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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Thoul » Fri May 15, '09, 3:40 am

Dragnet is the show attributed as the origin of that particular quote, but the quote itself was never spoken on the show. There was a longer quote that somehow got shortened to "Just the facts" by fans. I can't recall the whole thing off the top of my head, though.
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Re: Favorite TV Quotes

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 15, '09, 6:04 am

Thoul wrote:Dragnet is the show attributed as the origin of that particular quote, but the quote itself was never spoken on the show. There was a longer quote that somehow got shortened to "Just the facts" by fans. I can't recall the whole thing off the top of my head, though.

Well, again, I find it hard to believe that particular quote was not said on Dragnet. I have watched episodes of "Dragnet" and it sounds very familiar. Maybe it was part of the longer quote, I don't know. I do know that the "maam" part was probably on there as the Dragnet character (Det. Joe Friday played by actor/producer Jack Webb) was always very polite and always said "yes maam" and " no maam", etc., and "yes sir" and "no sir" in his talks with other people.

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