Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.

Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

The David Letterman Show - David Letterman host.
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The Tonight Show - Jay Leno host.
The Conan O'Brien Show - Conan O'Brien host.
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Red-eye Show - (Fox news channel).
Larry King Live - Larry King host
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The Tonight Show - Johnny Carson host (with Ed McMahan sidekick)
The Joey Bishop Show - Joey Bishop host (with sidekick Regis Philbin)
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Other - explain in post below.
Total votes : 8

Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Nov 7, '07, 6:42 pm

What is your favorite late night TV talk show to watch, and who is your favorite late night talk show host?

Too spice it up a bit, let's include some shows/hosts from the past too. :wink:

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Postby Thoul » Wed Nov 7, '07, 7:25 pm

I voted for Carson - he's a classic. Out of the currents, my favorite would be Letterman, but I rarely watch any of them.
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Postby Neithird » Thu Nov 8, '07, 5:35 pm

Jay Leno! He makes me laugh. :clap: Carson was great too, but you never see his shows on TV anymore. :(
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Postby SparkyIII » Thu Nov 8, '07, 7:11 pm

Lol I've never heard of any of them. XDDDD
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Nov 8, '07, 9:34 pm

Neithird wrote:Jay Leno! He makes me laugh. :clap: Carson was great too, but you never see his shows on TV anymore. :(

Neithird, there are a lot of the Johnny Carson Tonight Show's out on DVD now, I think. Check ebay. You might find some there. I've seen some outtakes on some of the shows on TV promo's, etc., and they are hilarious.

I like them all. They are all entertaining and funny in their own way. I guess I watch Leno more than any others, though.

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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 4, '08, 3:26 am

Well, David Letterman was back from a 2 month vacation last night and he had a beard. I normally don't like beards, but his looked pretty good. He's a funny guy - little strange - but funny, lol.

Robin Williams was Dave's guest last night and he is always a hoot, lol.

Anyone else see The Late Show with David Letterman last night? What did you think of last night's Top Ten List?
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Postby Thoul » Fri Jan 4, '08, 4:07 am

I happened to catch some of Robin William's spot on the show. He was great for a laugh as always. They were talking about his USO trip. I didn't know he was doing that, but I'm glad to hear he's going over to entertain the troops now and then.

I barely recognized Letterman with the beard. I had to do a double take to make sure of who it was. :lol:
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Re: Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Apr 23, '14, 6:37 pm

Whoa, found this old topic and thought I would bump it up. There are a few more additions that this poll could use now, such as Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, and Jimmy Kimmel, and a few others I guess.

What I really wanted to post about though was David Letterman's recent announcement that he will be retiring this year. Sad news. I don't always watch his show, but I always enjoy it when I do. He has a knack for this and he and Paul Shaffer (sp?) get along great as host and sidekick.

I happened to watch some of the show last night and the guy they have announced will be replacing Letterman on The Late Show named Stephen Colbert (or something close) was on there. Yikes!!! I do not like this guy. He didn't seem very funny at all too me. Anyone else have any opinions on this guy or like him?

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Re: Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

Postby S4Blade » Wed Apr 23, '14, 11:19 pm

I said other, because I don't have cable and I don't watch TV.
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Re: Favorite Late Night Talk Show / Host

Postby Bragatyr » Thu Apr 24, '14, 2:32 am

Craig Ferguson is my favorite late night guy, he cracks me up. Geoff the robotic sidekick dude is hilarious, and overall the zany humor just appeals to me.
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