
There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.


Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Oct 14, '14, 8:09 pm

There's a new TV series on ABC channel called "Forever". I haven't watch any episodes of the show yet so don't know much about it, however, the star of the show is the guy that played the role of Reed Richards in the "Fantastic Four" big screen movies. Has anyone else watched any of the TV show yet?

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Re: Forever

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Oct 14, '14, 9:17 pm

I've been watching, and so far, I like it. Is it groundbreaking television that's going to be remembered for its awesomeness 50 years from now? No. It's pretty light and fluffy, but it's fun and has a lot of pretty people on the screen, so that's good enough for me on Tuesday nights!
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Re: Forever

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 15, '14, 10:12 pm

I'm glad someone from here is watching the show. I have just one question (well maybe two questions) about it. I saw a few previews and I understood that the guy seems to be very, very old or something like that even though he looks very young, but I don't think he's a vampire or zombie or anything like that (or is he?), so what's his story about why he doesn't seem to age like everyone else?

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Re: Forever

Postby augmentedfourth » Thu Oct 16, '14, 3:10 am

In the first episode, there's a bit with the main character, Dr. Morgan, tending to a slave on a slave ship, and the captain or whoever thinks the slave is too sick to be worth anything and just wants to throw him overboard. Dr. Morgan stands up for the slave...and then they both get thrown overboard. Somehow (and this wasn't really explained fully, because I guess there still has to be some mystery), this doesn't kill him and he wakes up the next day. And then realizes he can't die. In the present-day, he's actually "died" a couple times so far, but he always reappears (naked and in a body of water) the following morning.

So basically, he's immortal and he hasn't quite figured out why or how to "cure" it. Works well enough for me!
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Re: Forever

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 17, '14, 6:53 pm

Thanks!! My interest is perked trying to figure out how he keeps coming back to life again. :)

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