Fallon plays Video Game on Tonight Show

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Fallon plays Video Game on Tonight Show

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 21, '14, 8:12 am

Anyone happen to see the episode of "The Tonight Show" with host Jimmy Fallon and celebrity guest Pierce Brosnan in a match up playing a video game? Check this out:

https://tv.yahoo.com/tv-in-no-time/pier ... 40324.html

Fallon is pretty good at that. :)

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Re: Fallon plays Video Game on Tonight Show

Postby Bragatyr » Thu Aug 21, '14, 3:10 pm

That was the most awesome thing I've seen in a long time. I was hoping Pierce Brosnan would be a savant at the game, with his natural James Bond skills, but just seeing him play it was hilarious.
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