Facebook RPers are so screwed!

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Facebook RPers are so screwed!

Postby MrKite » Sun Oct 16, '11, 4:59 am

I LOVE roleplaying. It's one of the few things left on this planet for me that's fun to do, and I roleplay on Facebook AND Myspace, and when I tried to make a new account just now, it told me to give them my telephone number, and they would either text or call me with an activation code to complete the sign up process. We're so screwed! I'm freaking out! And I've made some really cool friends from all my RPing on FB! I'm worried I'll lose track of all of them forever! And this has happened TWICE all in one night.
Last edited by MrKite on Sun Oct 16, '11, 4:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Facebook RPers are so screwed!

Postby Celeith » Sun Oct 16, '11, 6:17 pm

This is why I don't care for Facebook that much anymore.
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Re: Facebook RPers are so screwed!

Postby Thoul » Tue Oct 18, '11, 3:13 am

That seems like a very unnecessary step for registration to me. Maybe they're trying to limit the number of accounts people can create for some reason?
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Re: Facebook RPers are so screwed!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 26, '11, 8:45 am

Facebook is pretty popular site, but these new changes have angered a lot of people from what I have been reading about the situation.

So, MrKite, I'm wondering, were you able to find a solution to your facebook problem?

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Re: Facebook RPers are so screwed!

Postby MrKite » Sat Oct 29, '11, 5:14 am

I haven't tried to make any new RP accounts ever since the phone number junk.
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