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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Nov 5, '07, 8:17 pm

Neithird wrote:It would destroy his reputation if he turned up alive, too.

I must disagree. Certainly, it might slightly tarnish the way some people felt or feel about Elvis and possibly having "the wool pulled over their eyes" and that sort of thing, but I think the majority of fans/people would be so happy to see him alive that they would "forgive and forget". I would. Elvis was just that well thought of and loved by so many, even today, 30 years after his death. I can understand why he might have had to do what he did if he faked his death, and there are probably things we will never know that may have caused it, if it did happen that way.

Sadly, I think he is really dead. I actually thought for years and years that he may be alive, but I no longer feel that way. Mostly, because I just don't think Elvis would let his fans hurt that way if he could help it in any way. Although I would dearly loved to be proved wrong and have him come forward and tell us he is alive. If it hasn't happened after 30 years, I don't think it will. Elvis may have passed on from one life to another but he will always be with us in works, spirit, memories, and love.

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Postby Rudo » Sun Dec 16, '07, 7:09 pm

Have you heard Elvis Presley's version of 'Blue Christmas'? I was listening to it this morning on the radio. It is quite nice. :ball:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Dec 17, '07, 6:14 pm

Rudo, I agree with you. Elvis sings that song beautifully. :yes: :note:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jan 8, '08, 7:58 am

Today, January 8th, is Elvis's birthday. He would have been 73 today. Happy Birthday, Elvis! :headphones:
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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 9, '08, 6:03 am

My spanish class was the only one who mentioned him. XD
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