Elvis-King Of the Dead!

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Elvis-King Of the Dead!

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Oct 29, '08, 11:02 pm

Catchy title topic, don't you think since it's Halloween season, lol. :p

Once again, Elvis Presley is KING on the list of the dead celebrities earning the most:

http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/In ... ?GT1=33002

A new addition to this list for this year was actor Heath Ledger who played "Joker" in "The Dark Knight" movie.

I thought the Tootin Tunes category was appropriate for this story since Elvis made most of his money connected to "Tunes" of one type or another, but you can move it if you want, Thoul. :wink:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Thoul » Thu Oct 30, '08, 4:32 am

I sincerely doubt that anyone will ever knock Elvis off the top of that list. No one else is going to have that kind of staying power.
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