Egg prices rising

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Egg prices rising

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Aug 10, '15, 12:08 am

What is everyone paying at the grocery for a dozen eggs these days?

In my area, the cost is already over $4.00 for a dozen and half of eggs. We eat a lot of eggs so not looking forward to the price going even higher but guess we will have to make do the best we can.

When you think of how many ways we use eggs, not only in breakfast dishes but in baking dishes, etc., as well, this could get scary! ... cid=AARDHP

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Re: Egg prices rising

Postby Wolf Bird » Mon Aug 10, '15, 2:00 pm

The reason this is happening is an outbreak of a nasty strain of avian flu. If a farmer has one infected bird, he has to slaughter his entire flock due to how easily it spreads, and how easily it could mutate to infect humans should they eat infected eggs. Fewer egg producing birds = fewer eggs = more expensive eggs, as farmers attempt to recover massive losses. This isn't about farmer greed as some highly uninformed commenters on that article claim, this is about basic economics and farmers trying to keep their livelihood in the face of disaster for them.

This is a risk of factory farming - as economically efficient as it is and as much food as it produces cheaply, when something comes along to mess it up it ripples through everything. You pack millions of birds together tightly, if an infection hits, it will spread like wildfire and the products they produce will have skyrocketing market prices. We try to mitigate it by giving farm animals low doses of antibiotics in their feed, but that does nothing for viruses and brings its own set of problems (well, hello there MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections).
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Re: Egg prices rising

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Aug 11, '15, 9:16 pm

Not only will egg prices be rising because of this flu outbreak, but it will probably also have a major effect on poultry prices and turkey prices come this Thanksgiving Holiday season. I hope not, but it may.

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Re: Egg prices rising

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Aug 12, '15, 4:01 am

I wouldn't be 100% sure of that. The chickens raised for eggs are not the same birds raised for their meat. I think many farms keep their meat birds and egg-producers separate. That said, infectious diseases don't discriminate, so it very well could.
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Re: Egg prices rising

Postby Rylen » Wed Aug 12, '15, 5:05 pm

This is not eggciting news. Given that in most days I have my usual 2 eggs and 3 slices of bacon for breakfast.

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