Eating while driving

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Eating while driving

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 18, '11, 3:15 pm

I can hardly believe it but some people do seem to eat food while they are driving a car at the same time. Seems like a dangerous thing to do, but talking on a cell-phone while driving is also dangerous but that still doesn't stop some people from doing it, so I guess some people won't even think about eating while driving also. :yaknow:

Here's an interesting article telling about the ten worst foods to eat while driving, and some of them I can certainly see why it would be a bad idea to do that: ... id=6788363

Do you know anyone who eats while driving at the same time? Do they eat any of these foods or something else?

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Re: Eating while driving

Postby tilinelson2 » Fri Feb 18, '11, 3:42 pm

That is too much! I've seen people eat a small candy while driving, but just these things that you can unwrap and eat while the traffic lights are red. To eat big foods is absurd, specially the cereal, since it is the most difficult to eat without paying attention.
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Re: Eating while driving

Postby xellos667 » Fri Feb 18, '11, 3:49 pm

I'm guilty :( Sometimes when I need to go somewhere fast without eating, I stop to pick something fast at some fast-food restaurant (mostly Subway...sometimes McDonald), and I eat while driving high-speed on the highway. I'm not proud of it, and I know at one point it can become dangerous. But I'm sure I'm not the only one on this forum who do that from time to time (not frequently I assure you) least, I hope I'm not the only one...
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Re: Eating while driving

Postby tilinelson2 » Fri Feb 18, '11, 4:07 pm

Many will not admit it, don't worry. I can surely say I don't eat while driving because I don't drive :p
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Re: Eating while driving

Postby Wolf Bird » Fri Feb 18, '11, 11:37 pm

Basically the same as tili. I think trying eat while biking would be harder than eating while driving!
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Re: Eating while driving

Postby Lucas » Sat Feb 19, '11, 1:18 pm

I'm guilty of doing this :blank: . But it's quite hard to plan and sit down to eat breakfast when your required to start the days work at an ungodly 5.00am. So yes I have been driving before while eating small things like muesli bars and apples.

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Re: Eating while driving

Postby Thoul » Sat Feb 19, '11, 11:21 pm

I haven't eaten while driving myself, but I've rode with someone who does occasionally. He never ate anything big while driving, at least that I can recall. A few french fries, maybe the occasional ice cream cone. If you're careful, I don't think small foods are much of a risk. Of course, any distraction can be dangerous in some circumstances.
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