Easter Sunday Dinner

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

Easter Sunday Dinner

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Apr 9, '09, 8:49 pm

This sunday is Easter Sunday and a lot of families will be gathering together and having Easter Sunday dinner or brunch along with those Easter Egg hunts. :wink: Does your family gather together for Easter dinner? If so, what types of foods will you be having, or do you usually have, to eat on this day?

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Re: Easter Sunday Dinner

Postby Thoul » Sun Apr 12, '09, 2:09 pm

We're having turkey. Actually it's sort of turkey leftovers, as the turkey was cooked at the end of last week so we could have dinner both days of the weekend. Other than that, we don't really do anything special for Easter these days.
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