Ocarina of Time 3DS

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Ocarina of Time 3DS

Postby Celeith » Sat Jun 18, '11, 7:33 am

The classic Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time from the n64 has been remade and placed on Nintendo's new DS system. What do you think of the idea for this game on a new system? Do you own it yet. Will this game be the breaking point to get you to buy a 3DS? Lets rant.

Also a nice tidbit of info. Until I saw one of the commercials for the game I had no idea Robin Williams had a daughter, let alone named her after Princess Zelda herself. Its nice to see that even some movie stars enjoy classic games like The Legend of Zelda.

Last edited by Celeith on Sat Jun 18, '11, 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Postby Thoul » Sun Jun 19, '11, 1:19 am

If i ever do get a 3DS, I'd like to get this game for it. I've passed on the 3DS so far because of the price and that I barely played the last couple of handhelds I bought. An update to Ocarina is a good thing, especially since the Master Quest is included. That version of the original is very hard to find and very expensive.

I'd heard of the Robin Williams thing before, but was never quite sure if it was true. It was a great move by Nintendo to get them for that commercial. There aren't many games that get a celebrity endorsement like that.
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Re: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Postby tilinelson2 » Sun Jun 19, '11, 11:44 pm

Well, I'm not a fan of Zelda games myself, but I don't think a remake is a good reason for buying an expensive console (here it costs US$700).

Nintendo niche is mostly to offer new titles of their most successful series (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc.), but a remake is not a good reason to make fans buy an expensive console. They must give a real reason for buying 3DS than some 3D images over an old game.
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Re: Ocarina of Time 3DS

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 22, '11, 3:02 am

That was a terrific commercial with Robin Williams and his daughter. :clap:

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