DVD smells like pizza

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

DVD smells like pizza

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon May 20, '13, 9:21 pm

Domino's Pizza now has a DVD that looks and smells like pizza and they are giving it a test run in Brazil. If it does well there, perhaps it will make it to the States and elsewhere.

Kind of a tricky, or a very clever, way to make people want to eat more pizza, lol.

http://money.msn.com/now/post.aspx?post ... bed3218764

Just think what may happen when the hamburger joints get a whiff of this idea!! :eyebrow:

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Re: DVD smells like pizza

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 23, '14, 12:56 pm

Very strange ! :o I'm not sure it's a great idea ! But if some people are interested... ;)
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Re: DVD smells like pizza

Postby S4Blade » Thu Jan 23, '14, 1:03 pm

That is strange. I'm sure it has to be a thing that wears out after a while. I can see it now. Someone taking a DVD back to the store "I want my money back! My DVD doesn't smell like pizza anymore!"
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Re: DVD smells like pizza

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 23, '14, 9:48 pm

VistaBlade wrote:That is strange. I'm sure it has to be a thing that wears out after a while. I can see it now. Someone taking a DVD back to the store "I want my money back! My DVD doesn't smell like pizza anymore!"

You want to say that, like chewing gums, those DVD smelling like pizza can tend to lose their olfactive attractivity ? I don't know because I've never tried this and will probably never... :lol:
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