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Roots of Life and Death

Roots of Life and Death

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 Post subject: Roots of Life and Death
PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, '14, 5:04 pm 
I had no idea what to call this for the longest time and I finally figured it out (hence why it took me a long time to post this one). I did this one back in December, along with a lot of the rest I was posting. This one ended up being for my brother and I definitely have to give a nod or eight to Mario Duplantier of Gojira. I also showed this to one my classes I took last semester.

So as you might sort of know, I do consider myself something of an environmentalist and that's where this came from. There is an explanation behind it, but right now, I may leave that as a blank and let all of you figure it out and post it later when I feel like it. :p

Done mostly in charcoal with some metallic pencil.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, '14, 5:10 pm 
Cool stuff, I like your minimalist, symbolic style. Really nice use of space, beautiful stylization.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, '14, 10:02 pm 
Superb ! This minimalist style is very stylish :) I love charcoal drawings. Congratulations :clap:

PostPosted: Sat Mar 1, '14, 3:16 am 
Terrific drawing Wolf Bird. I can hardly wait for your explanation of this one. Many things come to my mind while looking at this and mostly intriguing is the title you have given it.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 1, '14, 11:04 pm 
Thanks all three of you! Do appreciate it and you have to know that. :)

I will post an explanation, I process. I had actually written down when I was presenting it to my class last semester, so I'll take some time to refine what I had written about it then (and remove some of the stuff about why I was presenting it/was relevant to the class).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 2, '14, 2:02 am 
You know, one possible theme or interpretation I see is that the more organic looking material at the top of the picture is arising from the smoke and decay of the world below, which could indicate a kind of supremacy of nature over industry and ultimately even of humanity. It is kind of sobering to remember that barring a complete catastrophe the earth will eventually form a kind of ecological stasis no matter what we throw at it. Species will die and come into creation, building on the old, and life will eventually end, but the ultimate identity of Earth is a bit beyond our hands.

But yeah, I mainly see nature in this drawing as ultimately not only greater than humanity but surviving and adapting even in the midst of serious ecological imbalance.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 2, '14, 11:53 am 
The tree we can see above reminds me of the Mana tree in the different épisodes of this great video gam serie ! And the Yggdrasil thing in Norse mythology, the tree of the world.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 2, '14, 1:58 pm 
I wasn't even thinking about Yggdrasil, that's awesome, no doubt it looks like a "world tree".

PostPosted: Sun Mar 2, '14, 3:19 pm 
Yggdrasil was the first think I had when I saw this beautiful drawing ! Having plyed those games from the seiken densetsu serie AND Xenogears have helped me ! ;)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, '19, 8:40 pm 
Bumping up this terrific artwork done by Wolf Bird! :clap:

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