Dr. Who 50th anniversary

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Dr. Who 50th anniversary

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Nov 22, '13, 8:45 pm

Congrats to all involved on the upcoming 50th anniversary of "Dr. Who". Lots of celebrations and events planned to honor this historic occasion as you can see from the link below:



:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Dr. Who 50th anniversary

Postby Snorb » Sat Nov 23, '13, 3:35 pm

The 50th anniversary special, Day of the Doctor, airs tonight at 2:50 pm (I'll be at work, so I'll have to catch the 7 pm showing) and features Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, along with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and John Hurt as the War Doctor, the "forgotten" regeneration between the Eighth and Ninth. Also, if Tom Baker is right, we'll also be seeing an appearance from the Fourth Doctor!

Last week, a prequel to the special, Night of the Doctor aired. It's six minutes long, and features the long-awaited return of Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor! It's refreshing to know that after playing him once in the TV movie and constantly in the Big Finish audio plays, Eighth Doctor is still written consistently. "I'm a Doctor! But probably not the one you were expecting!" is genius in more ways than you can think. =)

Also last night as part of the celebration, BBC America aired An Adventure in Time and Space, which was about the first three years of the show. David Bradley did an excellent job as William Hartnell, there were a lot of nods to the First Doctor's run (and a Tenth Doctor nod!), but the best moment was at the very end. And yes, I'm gonna spoiler this because this is massive.
[Reveal] Spoiler: The Tenth Planet
Director: Okay, we're ready to roll. Fifteen seconds! Fourteen--
William Hartnell: (he looks down at the Tardis console, ready to film his final scenes as the First Doctor. We see him adjust a control, then look up. The look on his face goes from apprehensive to confused, not sure of what he's looking at.)
Matt Smith: (he is dressed as the Eleventh Doctor, standing at the Tardis console next to William, equally surprised.)
William Hartnell: (he seems to understand who Matt is, and realizes that he's played a small part in what'll ultimately be a pop culture phenomenon. He smiles at Matt.)
Matt Smith: (returns the smile, shyly, and adjusts a control on the Tardis console)
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Re: Dr. Who 50th anniversary

Postby jessie » Sun Nov 24, '13, 4:03 am

My favorite TV show ever! The special was fantastic!
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