Or rather, they way the character was completely changed in Generation 1 annoys me. I just reached and defeated him in the game yesterday. This is the first aspect of the remake that has really disappointed me.
His design is completely different. Now he looks like a cross between an android and some kind of insect, all wearing a beret and a lab coat. He's got four eyes that remind me of a spider or insect. His right hand is a claw and to attack, he fires this claw at someone and retracts it. In his other hand, he's holding a round beaker (what, he fights during an experiment or something?
). Sometimes he'll turn it over to pour out this green liquid that poisons the party.
And worst of all, when you fight him Myau sits out that battle. You don't get a choice about it like in the original, it's just automatic. Grrr! I really wish I could read the text there, because it looks like Myau or another musk cat is suspended in a tube in the background of the battle. The atmosphere makes me wonder if there's a direct connection to the Nei series research.
I really wish they had kept the old design. Even if the missile-in-chest was quite unrealistic, it was better than the Claw of Not So Much Destruction.