Dogs look like Tigers & Pandas

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Dogs look like Tigers & Pandas

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jun 9, '10, 9:10 pm

This is just about the strangest thing I have ever heard about and seen. Dogs made to look like Tigers and pandas: ... -a-panda/1

As weird as it sounds, I think the dogs pictured in the article look pretty cute, in a weird sort of way. :yaknow:

I wonder if they are just doing dogs or will cats and other animals get in the act at some point too?

Would you do this to your pet?

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Re: Dogs look like Tigers & Pandas

Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Jun 9, '10, 9:15 pm

I wouldn't do this to my pet. Honestly, I don't think any pet should have this done to them. Dogs were made to look a certain way for a reason, and it should stay that way.

But then again I might be a little biased as I think the same way about humans and refuse to dye my hair.
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Re: Dogs look like Tigers & Pandas

Postby Lucas » Thu Jun 10, '10, 1:49 am

They do look cool. But a dog was born a dog not a tiger. ;)

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Re: Dogs look like Tigers & Pandas

Postby Thoul » Thu Jun 10, '10, 4:26 pm

My cats already think they rule the place completely. They don't need to be looking like tigers. It would go to their heads and make them think they're more fierce than they already are. :roll:

More seriously, I suppose, as long as the dye used is safe, it's okay. I could easily see someone being investigated for cruelty if this was happening in the US, though.
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