Dog raised tiger pups

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Dog raised tiger pups

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 25, '09, 8:24 pm

Remember the story awhile back about the tiger pups whose mom refused to have anything to do with them and then they were "adopted" by a puppy? Well, the tiger pups have grown and thrived and now the time has come for the tiger pups to say goodbye to their adopted family:

Love that story....although the ending sounds hopeful for all, it's still a bit sad they have to be seperated. :(

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Re: Dog raised tiger pups

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Fri Jun 26, '09, 10:09 am

What a cute story. It's sad the mom abandoned her cubs in the first place but unfortunately it happens all the time. I'm glad the cubs were adopted by the dog. I love stories where one species adopts another. I always find them so cute.
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Re: Dog raised tiger pups

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jun 26, '09, 3:59 pm

Yeah, I've heard of several stories where an animal of one type adopts babies of another. I've also seen it happen in real life with a Mama puppy and some kittens I used to have. I think it's great that sometimes love knows no boundaries in stories like this. It renews your faith in almost everything. :)

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Re: Dog raised tiger pups

Postby GhostVoices » Sat Jun 27, '09, 7:10 pm

And see, a lot of people seem to think that cats and dogs have to be enemies...but stories like this one continue to show otherwise. Definitely one of the best stories that I have read in a long time :) For the best in Music,Games,Movies, Books, and more!
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Re: Dog raised tiger pups

Postby Srijita » Wed Aug 5, '09, 10:15 pm

Ah, I needed cheering up, and that did the trick. :)
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Re: Dog raised tiger pups

Postby Darkil » Thu Aug 13, '09, 8:41 pm

Certainly not something you hear about every day
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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