Dog cares for Pandas

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Dog cares for Pandas

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 18, '09, 3:38 am

Another story of a dog being a surrogate mother, so to speak, this time to some panda cubs:,2933,533155,00.html

Sweet story, but the part about her sometimes neglecting her own pup is a bit disturbing.

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Re: Dog cares for Pandas

Postby Thoul » Sat Aug 1, '09, 12:22 pm

When I saw panda in the title, I was expecting the black and white variety and a pretty big dog. Seeing these little ones took me by surprise! The adult panda pictured looks a lot like a fox to me.

Maybe it's just me, but that dog does not look very healthy. Maybe it can only feed two and not three... I've heard of animals abandoning their own kids before, but usually that had something to do with the kids being handled by humans and getting an unfamiliar scent on them.
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