Dog at grave of his owner

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Dog at grave of his owner

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Sep 18, '12, 7:28 pm

Even though his owner has been dead for over SIX YEARS now, his faithful dog refuses to leave his grave and remains at the side of his beloved friend: ... 56479.html

Beautiful story!! :cry:

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Re: Dog at grave of his owner

Postby Thoul » Sun Sep 23, '12, 3:03 am

That's some impressive loyalty, if the story is true. It's sad to think that the dog will spend the rest of his life in a graveyard, but impressive nonetheless.
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Re: Dog at grave of his owner

Postby myau56 » Sun Sep 23, '12, 11:11 am

Same as Thoul : impressive loyalty but I'm a bit sad for the dog, as staying there for 6 years and maybe some more years is really...sad for him :(
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Re: Dog at grave of his owner

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 24, '12, 9:36 pm

It sounds as though the people that work at the graveyard have taken a liking to the dog also and are caring for him some so it's not as if he is all alone or anything. Also, I'm sure the family of his former master still visits often and possibly may try to take him back home again, even if he winds up running away and going back to the graveyard later. I have heard of pets doing this type of thing before, although I must admit not for this long a time. Hopefully there will be some further updates as time goes on and we will be able to find out how the dog is doing. Animals have a great sense of loyalty, that's for certain.

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