Doctor Who

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Re: Doctor Who

Postby jessie » Mon Mar 17, '14, 11:28 pm

Big fan of Doctor Who! Not sure how the new series will turn out but have big hopes for PETER CAPALDI!
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Snorb » Mon Mar 17, '14, 11:37 pm

Also, Paul McGann (the actor who plays the Eighth Doctor for Big Finish Productions, starred in the 1996 TV movie and the prequel to the Fiftieth Anniversary Special where he made his first televised Doctor Who appearance IN SEVENTEEN YEARS) tweeted a photo of himself on the TARDIS console room set with the ambiguous "This is my moment...!"

Why must this show tease me so much? Does this imply an Eighth Doctor/Twelfth Doctor crossover adventure of awesomeness? (Like how The Name of the Doctor implied an Eighth Doctor/Second Doctor adventure that happened off-screen.)

EDIT: The tweet and picture in question.
Last edited by Snorb on Mon Mar 17, '14, 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby jessie » Tue Mar 18, '14, 12:59 am

Oh I hope so! He was good in the TV movie and Great in Night of the Doctor!
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Apr 1, '14, 2:32 am

Actress Kate O'Mara has passed away. Many fans may remember her from tv shows such as "Dynasty" and "Doctor Who". May she r.i.p. ... 08953.html

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Re: Doctor Who

Postby jessie » Tue Apr 1, '14, 2:36 am

Sad news. I enjoyed her on the series.
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Snorb » Fri Apr 18, '14, 6:12 am

One of the greatest surprise moments from the 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor.

Why yes, the old Curator is indeed Tom Baker, the actor who played the Fourth Doctor, making his first appearance on Doctor Who since 1981, and yes, the dialogue and wall pattern heavily imply that the Curator is a future incarnation of the Doctor-- particularly the line about "revisiting old faces, but only the old favorites" and "Oh, if only I were you! Perhaps I was you, of course! Or maybe you were me!"
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 8, '14, 12:51 am

Saw a snippet regarding the upcoming 8th season of "Doctor Who". It seems several scripts for the shows have been leaked: ... ipts-leak/

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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Snorb » Tue Jul 8, '14, 3:39 am

Yep! It's the first five episodes (I have the scripts, skimmed some, am remaining mum on certain details) but the episode titles are (in order): Deep Breath, Into the Dalek, Robots of Sherwood, Listen, and Time Heist.

And yes, I heard Peter Capaldi's "D'ya happen to know how to fly this thing?!" voice when I read his lines in the script.

Let me just say that Twelfth Doctor run is gonna be Best-Minus-One Doctor. And leave it at that.
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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jul 10, '15, 11:33 pm

The newest "Dr. Who" actor recently appeared at Comic-Con. See what he has to say and more news here: ... 26195.html

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Re: Doctor Who

Postby Snorb » Sat Jul 11, '15, 3:02 am

So, something I'm going to just leave right here:

Lego Dimensions is coming out in September for the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Wii U. It works on the same principles that Skylanders and Disney Infinity work on-- you buy the base game, it comes with a figure reader, the game disc, and a starter pack of figures. (Yes, the Lego Dimensions figures are usable with your collection of Legos.)

The most recent trailer for the game had Batman, Wildstyle, and Gandalf getting pulled into the Tardis by the Twelfth Doctor's grapple gun. Peter Capaldi is voicing him in the game.

Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez (Clara and the Master) are also lending their voices to the game. And unlike the other Lego characters, if the Doctor is killed during the game, he regenerates into a new Doctor (starting with the First Doctor.) If you return to the Tardis, the Tardis's control room reskins itself to match how it looked during that Doctor's tenure.
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