Do you use ice trays?

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Do you use ice trays?

Postby Thoul » Fri Dec 12, '08, 12:04 am

I was looking through some old stuff recently and was reminded of how a good number of old kid's shows had shorts at the end that taught kids various morals and other educational stuff. One of the things that came up a lot in those was making popsicles at home by freezing Kool-aid or juice in an ice tray with a toothpick in it. Remember those?

Anyway, later it struck me that most refrigerators sold these days come with automatic ice makers. A lot of people probably don't even have ice trays any more. If those old shorts aired today, the kids would miss out on the joy of popsicle experimentation. :sad: Technology is not always a good thing.

So, do you have ice trays or rely on an automatic ice maker? I personally use ice trays, even though our fridge has an automatic ice maker. I just prefer the old way of using a tray.
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Postby Celeith » Fri Dec 12, '08, 12:26 am

We currently use ice trays for now but soon we'll be getting a frig that has a automatic icemaker.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Dec 12, '08, 4:23 am

We have both (ice trays and automatic ice maker) but only one works - the ice trays. :D

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Postby Atlinsmere » Fri Dec 12, '08, 5:50 am

Same thing as SS. We use ice trays. We have an automatic ice maker but it's an older fridge and the ice maker stopped working.
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Postby Natasha » Fri Dec 12, '08, 6:12 am

I don't have an automatic ice maker, so I have to use ice trays. :cry:
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Postby Lucas » Fri Dec 12, '08, 10:15 am

I'm in the same boat as Natasha I don't have an automatic ice maker either unfortunatly. :blank:

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