Do you understand your pets?

Companions of all kinds - furry, feathered, fishy and more!

Do you understand your pets?

Postby Thoul » Tue Dec 16, '08, 7:48 am

If you have a pets that has a way of communicating with you, like a cat's meows or a dog's barking or a common mannerism, can you tell what they want or mean when they speak up?

We have this one cat that, every time he wakes up or we wake up, always comes up to everyone wanting a hug or petting. It's his way of saying "good morning."
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Postby Celeith » Tue Dec 16, '08, 3:25 pm

Mines a bit more funny. We have a white cat that runs into our bedroom in the morning and hops on me and my wife, then she gives us this little hug and rub, then she bats me in the head with her paw and meows wanting me to feed her. I feed her, she comes back and then she takes a nap between me and my wife.
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Postby Wolf Bird » Tue Dec 16, '08, 3:28 pm

I think I understand my cats. One of them seems to have a 'ham radar'. If you go and get ham out of the fridge, she will be there within 10 seconds meowing at you, asking if you can please give up some of that ham or maybe all of it?

The frogs...not a lot to understand. I think if you combined the intelligence of all 5 of them they might be as smart as an eggplant...maybe.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Dec 16, '08, 9:05 pm

You better believe I understand what they say and mean sometimes! I know those looks and what they mean too. If I don't act on them soon, I am a goner! They'll take care of me fast. So, I make sure I do their bidding as soon as possible. :wink:

They let me know when they are hungry, or want their bed changed, when they want petting and when they want to play, and when they want love, if I am too slow to give it to them first. They also let me know when they hear things or people outside or something is bothering them. They are hard task maskers sometimes, but also loving companions always.

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