Do you trade in games?

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Do you trade in games?

Postby Neithird » Wed May 9, '07, 10:07 pm

After you have finished a game, do you keep it or trade it in toward credit on another?

I always keep mine. Honestly, I've never understood the concept of trade ins. :dizzy: It seems like trade ins never get much of a return on the original purchase price, so I don't see why anyone would do that. Well, maybe someone here can explain it to me. :lol:
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Re: Do you trade in games?

Postby Thoul » Thu May 10, '07, 10:54 pm

I've never done it. I guess it's a good way to pass on games you didn't really enjoy or don't plan to play again. I rarely let go of games once I get them, though, so it's just not for me.
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Re: Do you trade in games?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri May 11, '07, 11:42 am

I keep them. Hey, even though I have finished with them for the time being, I might want to play them again later on sometime. With the prices that some of these games are, there is no way to recover a significant amount of the price spent by letting them go, I think.

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Re: Do you trade in games?

Postby Triumvirate » Tue May 15, '07, 1:15 am

I trade in a lot. Any games that I know will be hard to get at a later point or I know I'll want to play I don't, but if I finish a game and don't plan on playing it again I'll get rid of it.

Sure, I lose a ton of money on the trade-ins but some money/credit is more than the $0 I get from it sitting on my shelf collecting dust. That's why it doesn't bug me that much. It's the difference between something and nothing.
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Re: Do you trade in games?

Postby Neithird » Tue May 15, '07, 4:58 pm

I guess I can understand that, especially for games that wouldn't be played again. I might have done that sometimes as well, if there was a local place that took trade ins. I like to think I'll replay all my games someday, though. :hyper:
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