Do you still play PS Online?

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Do you still play PS Online?

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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby r3alP » Mon Oct 13, '14, 7:44 am

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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby Snorb » Mon Oct 13, '14, 6:03 pm

Wait, what happened? Is this the same private server augforth and CJ and I played on?
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby carlsojos » Tue Oct 14, '14, 12:39 am

Yeah, Schtack. Last I glanced the servers were completely offline for a while. Their forums indicate they are currently functional but with notable downtime.
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby Xander » Sun Dec 21, '14, 11:48 pm

Last I checked, not too long ago, the schtack server was up, though there weren't many people around. A pity, but then a lot of people like myself stopped after an update made things really buggy.

But I'm not really too bothered now. While I understand there are some who think PSO is better than PSO2, I don't really see how you can compare the two. I mean, here's a shot from PSO. Then compare it to the rest below. And the video gives an idea of how PSO2 plays. For a start, the days of missing an enemy, with say a sword attack, and getting smacked down are over. Or the fact that Dark Falz no longer casts grantz. Or that said tech doesn't lock onto you and kill you outright at lower levels. Though I will say that having to stop in place to use a health drink, or any other healing item, in PSO2 does bug me, especially since there have been a good deal of boss fights where I've done that only to be either knocked out or hit so hard that the benefit of it is redundant. But at least moon atomizers revive several people at once, and not one person. But there's no rever either. And weapons can only be ground to 10+...but it costs money now. A lot of it. But then the effects are actually worth it. An extra 5-600 S-ATK on my 11* sword for a total of around 500k meseta? Yes please.



Oh yeah, there are mech suits available too, but only in one certain emergency quest. They're fun. :D

Also, vidya:

So no. I don't play PSO anymore. And anyone who does and says they do because it's better than PSO2 is an idiot. Or has a really, really crappy rig.

Also: Wow! 'Crappy' isn't censored? Amazing!
Last edited by Xander on Sun Dec 21, '14, 11:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby r3alP » Tue Jan 5, '16, 3:14 am

First, my apologies for being absent for so long. Such is life I guess. Any ways... .

I still play PSO. I am on the Ephinea servers. This is a solid vanilla server, so no silly additions that were not in the original. You can also use the provide HD resolution fix to run HD widescreen. I could use some (several) more on my team. I need to unlock the dressing room!

I guess I might play PSO2 again if it was out in ye old west, but that is never going to happen. I originally played PSO2 during the first year it was out. I got tired of updating everything (patches, etc) all the time though. Plus, it was not a real PSO successor. Just a mix of PSU and PSO with improved graphics and giggly assets on female characters. But, overall, it lost touch with being an actual dungeon crawler and became more of the current action/rpg/mmo hybrid style we see in some other titles (Although, PSO2 is the better in this regards to this play style). I guess I like the difficulty of hitting in PSO, as it does remind me of the same feeling of Monster Hunter (explains why I love MH too). It takes getting used to, but once you master it you're good to go. That is just my take, so, no, I am not arguing (to each their own :)).
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby chaoko99 » Sun Jul 31, '16, 10:21 am

Recently noticed 'Oh, huh, I never even touched PSOBB, that's a damned travesty, and I shall fix this'. I tried. Apparently there's a zero tolerance rule for failu-SHUT UP ABOUT REVERS-SHUT UP ABOUT YOUR MOON ATOMIZERS. FAIL. RESTART. So yeah, it's pretty good. Wish I could actually complete it without capping my character and playing on normal.
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Apr 17, '23, 6:17 pm

Anyone still playing this? Is it still available too play?

Kind of funny how we are all so very deep into playing a game or something at first but we later slack off due to time, interest, other commitments, newer projects/games, etc. Such is the life of a Gamer, or any other topic, I suppose.

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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby jessie » Tue Apr 18, '23, 1:30 am

I tried PSO 2 but it was just too different.
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Re: Do you still play PS Online?

Postby myau56 » Tue Apr 18, '23, 11:20 am

No for me ! Alas...bring back so many happy memories ! :)
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