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PostPosted: Wed Jan 2, '08, 1:43 pm 
Marvel Comics and the United Nations have teamed up to create a comic book with Superheroes to try and address some issues of world importance, etc. Below is the link to the story. So, what do you think? Will it be of help, or is it just another marketing strategy, etc.? ... el-comics/

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 2, '08, 8:58 pm 
lol, Thats a really strange event in my opinion. It'll have to change from what people are like today, normally you wont go and do things that are in a comic book. XD

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 3, '08, 6:32 am 
Just a marketing strategy. The comics industry has been hurting from a lack of ways to bring in new, young readers. This gets their books into the hands of a bunch of kids, while polishing their public image. I'm sure the UN means well and I've little doubt that the people working on the mocis think it's a worthy project. But for Marvel, ultimately it's a way to get their product to lots of potential buyers that wouldn't see it otherwise.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jan 4, '08, 6:30 pm 
Good idea, but we'll have to wait and see how the end result turns out. I don't have much hope for it, honestly.

I think the UN is basically useless and I don't think even Marvel can help them out. The whole organization needs an overhaul and redoing from the bottom up, if you ask me.

I thought I heard one time that Bill Clinton wanted to be head of it, well, I don't have much faith in him but I don't think he could do any more damage to it than it or some of it's members has already done to the whole system.

Spidy and the rest can work wonders sometimes but this is just too much! :punch:

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