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 Post subject: Do you have any?
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, '08, 7:36 am 
Let's start off this new board with the most obvious question: do you have any pets (or other animals)? If not, have you had any in the past?

We have a five cats right now. Bit of a handful, but they're practically part of the family. Aside from cats, the only kind of pet we've had in the past is birds - parakeets mostly. We haven't had one of those in years, though.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, '08, 3:19 pm 
Two cats at home, and five little dinky African Dwarf Frogs that I take back and forth between home and college. Neither is terribly difficult to deal with overall.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, '08, 3:23 pm 
We have two cats, one stays outside all the time because my wife doesn't like him :cry: We're probably gonna get a puppy soon, I'm hoping for a Alaskan Husky. My sister and her boyfriend have two and the female is pregnant so I'm hoping to get a puppy eventually.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, '08, 8:57 pm 
Right now, I have cats (both inside and outside).

And, if you count other outside animals, then I will add turledoves, woodpeckers, nuthatches, robins, cardinals, hummingbirds, and other various birds, squirrels, racoons, possums, etc., etc., etc. No, the last batch aren't really mine and they aren't tame, but they do come to eat food we put out for them, so I guess you could say we sort of "have them".

Years ago, I had a dog. He was black and named "blackie", I think. He was a good dog, although I barely remember him.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, '08, 1:09 am 
Two dogs (Family Pets)
One cat (Mum's Pet)
One Fish (Younger Brother's Pet)
One Eastern Two-Lined Dragon (My Pet, he's an awesome lil' lizard :wink: )

 Post subject: Re: Do you have any?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, '19, 8:22 pm 
Bumping up this interesting question asked by Thoul!

Do you currently have any pets?

 Post subject: Re: Do you have any?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, '19, 12:33 pm 
One cat ! And the name is Myau ! :) (I wonder where this name come from ??... :rofl: )

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