Do you have a music player?

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Do you have a music player?

Postby Thoul » Sat Jun 13, '09, 6:22 pm

Lately I've been thinking of getting a portable music player so I can listen to music on long trips when I'm not driving. I used to just turn on the radio in the car, but others complained that it makes them sleepy, so I was think of getting something I could hear without bothering anyone else.

So I was wondering: do you have music player and if so, what kind?
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Wolf Bird » Sat Jun 13, '09, 7:05 pm

I have an 8 gigabyte iPod. It was in the graduation present package from my entire family along with the Macbook and 500-gig external drive. It's really nice, since it's designed to communicate with iTunes automatically regarding what's on my music playlist and what podcasts I have and haven't listened to on either my computer or iPod.
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Lucas » Sun Jun 14, '09, 5:27 am

I have a 4 gig MP4 player. It's good it can hold a few thousand songs and pictures. The only bad thing about it is the pictures become distorted and look very bad because the MP4 resizes them to fit to the screen. It also plays video clips too. :wink:

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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Tweeg » Mon Jun 15, '09, 2:43 am

I've got a Datel Max Media Dock equipped with 4GB CompactFlash Card for my Nintendo DS. The pre-installed MP3 playback program is junk, but the optional MoonShell OS plays MP3's, OGG's, and MIDI files just fine. Also can open text (.txt), most formats of image files, and it's own propriatary video format. A bunch of homebrew games and applications are available that are compatible with it as well, such as DS AIM and Doom.
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Darkil » Mon Jun 15, '09, 8:27 pm

I have a 30gig Zune. It's pretty easy to use and holds quite a bit [obviously]. It'll also let you upload art if it doesn't find it for you and you can make playlists pretty easy. Plus if you get a dock you can hook it up to your tv and watch video's from it or just play some music through your Home Theater system.
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Lemina » Tue Jun 16, '09, 12:39 am

1Gigabyte mp3 player and a 1Gig iPod shuffle. Small, but they get the job done. Plus, if I lose them or accidentally throw them in the washer--it's not a huge loss.


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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 16, '09, 7:22 pm

Nope, I don't have one. I must confess that I'm not really into many of these new fangled gadgets, etc. I have my radio/cd/record/cassette player at home and that's all I really need. I don't want to listen to music when I go out somewhere. I want to see and take in all the beauty of nature and the sites around me. I can listen to music later. That's just me though. :starry-eyed:

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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Sun Jun 21, '09, 8:02 am

I've got an Ipod I got for free and then a little knock off MP3 player that work very well. Though my little MP3 player runs on batteries and eats them up quickly.

It's amazing how much an Ipod can hold but it was frustrating trying to get it to work at first.
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby luke » Mon Jun 22, '09, 5:43 pm

i have a 16gb ipod touch. i would highly recommend it. aside from the basics of playing music, which it does well and with a great interface, you'll be able to use access the internet via wi-fi, so you can browse the web, check e-mail, etc. it is basically an iphone minus the phone aspect of it. you can still download apps and get games and such. best purchase i've made in a long time.

there are other options out there for more storage and whatnot, but personally, i find that limiting the amount of music i am able to have on me at any one point in time increases my appreciation for particular artists, albums, songs, etc. i also find that having that music on you sort of becomes an arms race between nerds as to who as more. i've known people to fill their 120gb ipods before, and not surprisingly, they only knew about 10% of the music on it.
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Re: Do you have a music player?

Postby XxEnslavedNekoxX » Tue Jun 23, '09, 5:33 am

How much does this little device cost?
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