Do you eat fresh fruits & vegetables?

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Do you eat fresh fruits & vegetables?

Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 3, '08, 10:22 am

These days it seems like every food you can imagine can be bought refrigerated or in a can. When/if you eat some fruits or veggies, do you eat fresh stuff or something from a can?

I don't eat as much of either as I should, but when I do it is usually something fresh. Of course, some things have to be kept cool even if you buy them fresh.
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Postby Rudo » Wed Dec 3, '08, 4:39 pm

I like fresh better. Too much trouble opening a can.
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Postby luke » Wed Dec 3, '08, 7:11 pm

i used to go a farmer's market around the corner from my house for some. doesn't get much fresher than that! i don't eat as much as i should, though.
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Postby Schala Zeal » Thu Dec 4, '08, 9:45 pm

Canned vegetables taste funny. :< I prefer fresh vegetables, though I usually end up preparing frozen vegetables.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 4, '08, 9:53 pm

I love fresh fruits and veggies and prefer them that way. I do eat canned fruits and veggies from time to time. We try to have a garden every spring and summer and get some of our veggies that way. They taste great, are less expensive that what you buy in the store, and we helped grow them ourselves. :up:

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Postby Schala Zeal » Thu Dec 4, '08, 9:58 pm

I like growing gardens, but the bugs and the animals always beat me to the vegetables/fruits. D':
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Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 4, '08, 10:02 pm

Yeah, I have that problem too. We have an apple tree, but half of the apples wind up being eaten by deer or worms or whatever other wildlife happens to be around.
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Postby Lucas » Fri Dec 5, '08, 11:39 am

I always eat fresh fruit and vegetables. I love fresh Pineapple. :wink:

Also its kinda bad growing tomatos and bananas where I live because Possums and fruit bats eat them before you even have the chance to pick them off the tree. :blank:

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Postby Lemina » Fri Dec 5, '08, 12:01 pm

I've heard that you should never grow sweet corn where I live due to the raccoons eating them far before you can get to them. :(
On topic: I prefer fresh fruits and vegetables over canned. I flat out don't like the taste of the canned vegetables; canned fruit is okay, but a little soggy at times.


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