Do you drink or eat while gaming?

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Do you drink or eat while gaming?

Postby Thoul » Sat Nov 10, '07, 12:03 am

When you're playing a game, do you keep something to eat or drink nearby?

I usually don't because I don't want to risk getting the controllers wet, but sometimes when playing a PC game I will go get a Coke and drink it as I play.
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Nov 10, '07, 12:14 am

If I'm hungry, I'll pause or stop the game to get something to eat. When it comes to drinking, however, I don't mind doing that while playing.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Nov 10, '07, 3:40 am

No, I'm too busy playing to eat. If I have been playing for a very long time, though, I might have to take pit stop breaks and grab a drink on the way. :wink:

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Postby SparkyIII » Sat Nov 10, '07, 9:23 am

I'm too lazy and into my game to stop playing to get something to eat. XD I'll wait till I get bored or have to go potty, then I'll stop. lol
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Postby Neithird » Sat Nov 10, '07, 4:31 pm

Sometimes I will keep some Pringles chips or other non-greasy food nearby and snack while I eat. Usually I get so occupied with the game that I just wait until I get really hungry or thirsty, then cut the game off and go grab something.
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Postby LordShibas » Mon Nov 12, '07, 11:25 pm

I usually keep my gaming and eating apart from each other. I watch my anime when I eat. Shortly after, I game. I don't mind an energy drink or 2 while playing, but rarely do I game and eat at the same time.
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