Do you change the names?

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Do you change the names?

Postby Thoul » Sat Oct 6, '07, 9:53 am

I already made a similar topic for PSII, but in games other than those in the Phantasy Star series, do you ever change the names of characters when the games let you? If so, what are some of the names you use?

Sometimes I change the names and sometimes I don't. In SNES games like Chrono Trigger, I usually did change them. I often used the names of friends or characters from books I've read. Sometimes I would just make up a name on the spot.

I really liked the approach some of the Wild Arms games use. They have an item you can buy to change the name of pretty much anything or person in the whole game! :lol:
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Postby Tsunami » Sat Oct 6, '07, 7:44 pm

I used to change names... Now I always keep them the same unless I'm forced to choose a name, like for example, Final Fantasy for the NES.
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Postby The $ Avenger » Sun Oct 7, '07, 2:45 am

For PSII, now, no. I used to when I was younger; when I loved Star Wars as a kid I named all the FFVI after them, and played it cooperatively with the names of characters from the Aliens movie, which is very strange, looking back. In the FF Legend titles for the GB, I would rename the characters after Greek or Roman gods/goddesses. I haven't renamed anything for awhile; I take what the game/storyteller gives me. I feel like it detracts from the story to rename characters now, (if there is one! :D ) I remember going over to one of my friend's apartment in college and finding that I was the starting strong safety for the KC Chiefs in one of those Playstation NFL Gameday games, which was kind of odd... :eyebrow:

I do think I would still rename some of those FFI-VI characters now to spice it up a little, (I find most FF stories very bland.) It depends. If the story is really strong, like in a Lunar RPG, I wouldn't change them if given the choice. Nor would I in a Fire Emblem title.
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