Pumpkin shortage

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Pumpkin shortage

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Oct 12, '09, 5:04 pm

Yikes! Here we are almost upon Halloween time, and the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays, etc., when pumpkins are always a major item of the season (for fall decorations, they make great jack-o-lanterns, and remember those tasty pumpkin pies too)...and there might be a shortage of pumpkins this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/200 ... s-elusive/

How is the pumpkin crop doing in your area this year?

Whenever I think of pumpkins, I always think of the Charlie Brown cartoons...and them waiting in the pumpkin patch for "The Great Pumpkin" to appear, lol. Should be about time for that cartoon to be shown again as they show it every year, I think. :jack:

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