Digital Conversion TV

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Digital Conversion TV

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Feb 17, '09, 11:51 pm

Are you ready for the change? Congress recently passed a bill that would allow the change that was going to happen in February to not happen until sometime in June, which would give people more time to get ready for the swtich. However, there are many TV stations that are planning to go ahead and do the switch in February. So, be prepared.

We have cable, so we didn't get one of those digital converter boxes. If you have cable tv, then you are supposed to be okay when the change happens.

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Postby Thoul » Wed Feb 18, '09, 3:42 am

We've got cable too... one of the local stations ran a test one day and it still worked, so I guess we're good to go. I'm kind of annoyed at the TV Guide channel, though. They used the change as an excuse to switch that channel from basic cable to a package that requires a cable box. We have one in one room, but mainly watch TV in another where we can no longer get that channel. So now if I want to know what's coming on, I have to go online to find out.

There was a government program offering $40 coupons on the converter boxes. I heard it ran out of money a while back, though.
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Postby Lemina » Wed Feb 18, '09, 10:37 pm

So this change applies only to those who have antennae on their TVs, right? I also have cable, so yeah.


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 21, '09, 10:05 pm

I found this story online of where a man was so upset with the digital switch, etc., that he shot his tv, lol.

In a way this story is funny (almost put it in the ridiculous item of the day), but on second thought, in many ways it is also NOT funny as I imagine many people may become frustrated because their TV viewing may be changed or messed up somehow. Not everyone listens to the news or knows that there is going to be a change in digital TV, that they may need a converter box, etc., and when they find out, it is understandable how they may become upset and angry. :yaknow: It appears this guy in the story below lost his cable and couldn't get his converter box to work. ... ssid=20065

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Postby Thoul » Sun Feb 22, '09, 1:29 pm

I think that guy was more drunk than angry. Here's another article about him: ... 34843.html
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Feb 23, '09, 9:39 pm

Good Grief! Thoul, I just finished reading the story with the link you gave. It sounds like this guy had a history of having stand offs with the police. I agree with you, it sounds like he was more drunk than angry. I wonder why their cable was shut off, though, and whether it was far non-payment or some other reason.

I know how frustrating it can be when your cable just goes off for no reason at all, especially when something you really want to watch is coming on Tv soon. Still, what he did is taking it to extremes and very dangerous.

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Postby Darkil » Mon Feb 23, '09, 10:29 pm

Regardless, the fact he shot his TV is just plain sad
Shhh my common sense is tingling
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