Fast Food plastic

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Fast Food plastic

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Sep 17, '09, 10:18 pm

Fast Food usually comes wrapped and contained in many different things, a lot of it plastic, etc. Read this story where they removed a piece of fast food plastic from a guy's lung. :yikes: :yuck: ... ?GT1=43001

It sounds disgusting, but the guy seems to be a lot better in health now that they have removed this from his body. He can breathe better and all.

Amazing. You just never know. :blank:

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Re: Fast Food plastic

Postby Thoul » Thu Sep 17, '09, 10:57 pm

That is really rather disturbing. To think that something of that size could get into a person's lung without being noticed... it makes you wonder what else is in people's lungs. That's some weird stuff, but I'm glad the dude found a doctor that could remove it. Hopefully his recovery continues to go as well as it sounds.

I am rather amazed that the story doesn't involve a lawsuit, though. That is what typically happens in cases where unusual fast food related health issues appear.
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