Diets that work

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Diets that work

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Sep 13, '09, 8:54 pm

Have you ever been on a diet that actually worked....where you did actually lose weight? If so, what kind of diet was it, and how long did you keep it up, and how much weight did you lose?

Personally, I have begun to think that it doesn't matter what diet you are on or what you do, you just have to not eat so much and get plenty of exercise. I think the exercise is the key to losing a lot of weight.

All I see on tv is advertisements for people wanting to lose weight with Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig, or other means, but it some cases it seems even the people that have lost weight have gained it back when they stopped using these programs or began to eat more, etc.

I think it has to be a complete life style change, or something.

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Re: Diets that work

Postby Thoul » Sun Sep 13, '09, 10:14 pm

Yeah, there's no substitute for eating and living in the correct style. Even if any diet does work in the short term, you have to consider what caused someone to become overweight in the first place. That's their eating habits and lifestyle. If those don't undergo a permanent change, the person will just get right back into the same situation again.
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Re: Diets that work

Postby Lemina » Mon Sep 14, '09, 9:19 pm

Silver_Surfer1 wrote:All I see on tv is advertisements for people wanting to lose weight with Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig, or other means, but it some cases it seems even the people that have lost weight have gained it back when they stopped using these programs or began to eat more, etc.

I think it has to be a complete life style change, or something.

That's the trick to diets like Nutrisystem, etc. If you want to lose weight and keep it off; you'll have to be on that diet forever. :hypnotized: Like you're never going to enjoy home cooking or a restaurant meal ever again.


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Re: Diets that work

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 14, '09, 9:28 pm

Lemina wrote:"I adopted Atlin's pets."

Lemina, I knew I had seen some of those pets somewhere before! Now, I know where. :wink: They are all so cute! Very nice of you to adopt them. :yes:

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Re: Diets that work

Postby luke » Thu Sep 24, '09, 7:32 pm

it's not necessarily about cutting back on eating, but more about what you eat and how often you do it. you're supposed to eat less, but more often. it exercises your body's metabolism, and keeps it strong. you're just hurting it if you eat less, but what you're eating is more taxing on your metabolism. obviously, engaging in exercise helps, too, but eating consciously helps a lot more than you would think.
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Re: Diets that work

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Sep 27, '09, 7:34 pm

luke wrote:iyou're supposed to eat less, but more often. it exercises your body's metabolism, and keeps it strong.

I think you are right on this luke. I just have a hard time doing it or sticking to it rather. It kind of seems that even if you eat less but more often that you are still eating too much, but I know it doesn't have to work out that way.

I think a lot of us are used to eating the three times a day thing (breakfast, lunch, dinner) or maybe sometimes not even that much, sometimes we have a snack too. I don't know if we are supposed to eat more or less than that or not. :?

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