Perfectly Preserved

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Perfectly Preserved

Postby Thoul » Mon Jan 21, '08, 8:10 am

Wren has examined the Landale, the abandoned spaceship hidden between the town of Tyler a thousand years ago. He comments that it will be very useful to the group with a little maintenance. The ship is almost perfectly preserved, even after being stored in the dark cavern for such a long time. Those Palmans definitely built their ships to last.


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Postby Celeith » Tue Jan 22, '08, 1:45 am

Heres the one scene they left out of this.. Ahem

Chaz: So do you think its still able to fly?
Wren: Of course. It was once known that Palmans kept their ships in mint condition.
Rika: Hey Chaz! Whats this clear thing around the ship?
Chaz: Huh? It looks like some kind of bag.
Rune: Extra Storage Ziploc Bag? Is that what that says?

*Back on the world map* *The player clicks the talk command*

Raja: Ancient Palmans had a weird idea of perserving their machines.
Chaz: You mean "You" Don't find this funny?
Raja: Not in the very least.
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Postby Snorb » Tue Jan 22, '08, 1:53 am

I'm surprised Wren didn't find those little silica gelpacks you get with shoes in the Landale.

Wren: (opens maintenance hatch, and is immediately covered in thousands of silica packs)
Rika: Wheee! That looked like so much fun! Chaz, can we fill that closet in Alys's house with these?!
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Postby Thoul » Tue Jan 22, '08, 9:25 am

:rofl: Rika would be the first person I've ever seen that likes those gel packs.
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Postby SparkyIII » Wed Jan 23, '08, 7:14 am

What packs?
Everything has a pattern. Something set. Even random things. They aren't random at all, its complex mathematics. The trick is to find the pattern. Then you can exploit it.

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Re: Perfectly Preserved

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Oct 14, '16, 2:18 am

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Hmmm, it says the ship needs a " little " maintenance. I don't know about anyone else but I would not even be thinking of flying in a thousand year old space ship of any kind!

Unless of course it was the starship Enterprise! That's the only ship I would trust! :wink:

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Re: Perfectly Preserved

Postby Snorb » Fri Oct 14, '16, 5:02 am

Rika: (sitting in comfy copilot seat) This ship's so cool! ^_^
Wren: (sitting in less comfy pilot's seat) It is pristine. The last time this ship was used was nearly a thousand years ago.
Raja: (sitting in comfy passenger couch) Ah! That's when that irresponsible captain Tyler brought people from Palma to Dezolis! So... ya guys gonna start paying rent?
Rune: (next to Raja on the passenger couch) Maybe later, Raja. Let's just make sure we can get to Kuran.
Rika: Wait! Where's Chaz?? ;_;
Rune: I made him a special Hero of Algo seat.

Chaz: (sitting on a folding chair that's been duct-taped to the airlock's floor. The outer door is permanently blocked open, and the inner door is sealed from the inside) I'm starting to think Rune doesn't like me. ;_;
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Re: Perfectly Preserved

Postby myau56 » Fri Oct 14, '16, 11:32 am

But it's a nice ship whatever ! :)
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Re: Perfectly Preserved

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu May 26, '22, 5:52 pm

Wren says the discovered ship is in very good condition.

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Re: Perfectly Preserved

Postby myau56 » Fri May 27, '22, 11:34 am

Fortunately it is in very good condition !
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