Dexter - serial killer TV ?

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Dexter - serial killer TV ?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Feb 15, '08, 3:03 am

I almost fained when I heard about this new tv show, Dexter, which is apparently about a serial killer, or someone who has tendencies to be one. This is going way over the top, I think, and should not be shown on television where it could be an unfavorable influence to children, and others, perhaps.

What will they think of next? This has to stop somewhere.

Has anyone seen this show? If so, what do you think about it?

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Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 15, '08, 3:26 am

I've heard about it before, but never seen it. AFAIK, it's only been on Showtime, which we don't get. It's not really something I would be enthused about watching even if we did. My understanding is that it's about a cop who is also a serial killer. Doesn't sound very entertaining to me.
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 16, '08, 3:11 am

Thoul, it may have been on Showtime, but if I heard it correctly during the advertisement it is now being shown on one of the major networks (aka ABC, CBS, or NBC). Sorry, I don't remember which one right off.

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Postby Reno » Sat Feb 16, '08, 4:49 am

Well, if they focused on the psychological aspects of the killer, I could see it as maybe having the potential to be something deep and meaningful, you know, something that could inspire empathy in viewers of what it's like to have that kinda mindset? However, if they only focus on the killings themselves and more or less the programme is just another way to show bloodshed, then I could see your point about it being a major no-no for the kiddies. I haven't heard anything about it where I am, so... yeah...

EDIT: Just checked the Wiki article; It's only showing in the US o' A, and it's based off a series of books. Also, it sounds like it's a mixture of both heavy bloodshed and in-depth psycho-analysis, (I assumed it would be, but it looks like it's more closely resembling the former... meh).
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Postby DrkTr14ce » Sat Feb 16, '08, 5:37 pm

Not true, dear Reno. It's on over here in the UK, showing on our FX Channel. I've seen only an episode so far, and I think I might just want to watch one more out of curiosity. It's definately something different in a sense from the other crime scene shows.

And to address your concern Silver_Surfer1: It's called Parental Discretion for a reason. They purposely show it at a time when children should be in bed. (Over here, it's on at like, 11:00 or so.) Also, may I point out that there are far more rude (Yet funny to adults) programs that tend to appear on much earlier than Dexter?
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