Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

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Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

Postby S4Blade » Thu Jan 23, '14, 1:27 pm

Source: ... 00407.html

This poor kitty was born with deformed back legs, and an orthopedic veterinarian was able to heal him with three surgeries.

Here is a video of the cat playing before the surgery and his state after the surgery.

What a cute kitty.
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Re: Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

Postby myau56 » Thu Jan 23, '14, 9:46 pm

Very nice story : very sad at the begining but as we all say : "all is well that ends well" ! Congratulations to tghe successfull operation and to the orthopedic veterinarian who made this possible :clap:
Very cute kitty indeed.
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Re: Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jan 24, '14, 6:28 am

I had read a story about this cat earlier and was pleasantly surprised to see this video. Thanks for posting it. The cat looks like a sweetheart. The handicap he was born with seems not to stop his desire to play which is good. I hope the surgery will allow the cat a better way and outlook of life. Cute kitty.

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Re: Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

Postby S4Blade » Fri Jan 24, '14, 12:44 pm

I've watched the video about 5 times now, and every time I start to get teary eyed. it's so sad, yet happy. I never had an orange cat and I always wanted one.
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Re: Deformed Kitten Gets New Start

Postby myau56 » Fri Jan 24, '14, 1:09 pm

Me I have a black cat but this one is so cute indeed ! A great majority of cats are cute :)
About this one, true that this video is very emotional : his will to continue to play even with this hard's very sad and happy at the same time but it's teary eyes assured.
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