
There's lots to talk about on the smaller screen.


Postby Atlinsmere » Wed Jul 17, '13, 8:44 pm

Hey everyone, for those who don't know what Defiance is, it is a television show about the near future where the entire world is terraformed. It's a great science fiction show which is doing something that I don't think has been done before. They have an MMO which runs alongside the show. The best part about this is the chance to have your character have a small cameo or even a mention on the show!

To be honest, this topic could have probably gone either here, or in General gaming, as the game is awesome and I feel like I should talk about how awesome open worlded it is. But I'm not going to and focus mainly on the show. Which is awesome. It started off weird and a bit slow, but it get better later on.

Also for those wondering, the game is on PS3, Xbox, and PC. Also as well, the Steam Summer Sale has the game on for around $27 right now, down from $39.99. I'm sure if you keep an eye on it, it will go down again before the Summer Sale ends.
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